Though it’s noted
for its strength in the restoration
of recordings by violinists Doremi
has made a profitable excursion into
the world of the guitar on disc. This
is the third volume in its Segovia
series and one that manages to ally
his 1947 Musicraft albums with the
earlier 1932 and 1934 Telefunkens
and Odeons of the Austrian Luise Walker.
They make a formidable contrast. Segovia
gives an all-Bach recital spread over
albums M85 and M90 whereas Walker
mines paraphrases of Die Forelle,
enjoys a Jota, and delves into the
more pianistic lore of Schumann and
Brahms and Chopin. The stark contrast
between the perceived intellectualism
of the one and the more impermanent
frivolity of the other may seem to
set up an impenetrable barrier. The
fact is of course that they were pretty
much both recording transcriptions.
Segovia had grave concerns about his
Chaconne transcription worrying lest
it may be seen an impertinence and
waiting seven years before he had
it published – shortly after Luise
Walker’s Telefunkens were recorded
His Chaconne however
is a marvel of colouration, vibrato
usage and the art of sustain - much
less musical paragraphal pointing
and sculptural control. It makes remarkable
listening to this day. And so does
the remainder of the two Bach albums
he set down in New York. The Gavottes
from the third Partita are lovely,
enriched by naughty little rubati
toward the end and I particularly
admired the gravity of the Sarabande
from the first Lute Suite. Most of
these recordings will be known though
to have them collated thus in a Segovia
series is a pleasure.
Luise Walker was
born in Vienna in 1910, one of her
early musical associates being the
Catalan Miguel Llobet, a great Tarrega
disciple, from whom she clearly absorbed
much. Her discs, as suggested, correspond
to the usual prevailing transcriptions
of the day. Nevertheless we have something
of her Austro-Spanish lineage in the
Tarrega - witty runs, a tattoo on
the body of the instrument and great
colour inform the Gran Jota, and
the Dominici functions as a sort of
tremolando study. I doubt the Schubert
would pass muster now, the treble
runs sounding distinctly silly, but
she gives Träumerei a real Spanish
tinge – maybe she’d heard Llobet playing
it in that way. She’s joined by an
anonymous group for the Boccherini
Quartet, a work she was later to re-record
rather more successfully. Despite
the rather circumscribed nature of
these discs we can still feel her
very considerable instrumental finesse.
Some of the pre-War
Telefunkens sound rather more open
than the post-War Segovia Musicrafts
but generally things are very acceptable.
There are extensive notes – unusually
so for Doremi who tend to be rather
skimpy in that respect - though there
are rogue paragraphs here and there.
An enjoyable collection then, representing
two very sides of the guitar transcribers’
Jonathan Woolf