Marches, Fetes & Chasses pour Louis XIV.
La Symphonie du Marais
Hugo Reyne.
Virgin Veritas 561-778-2
I greatly enjoyed this disc, not only for its beautiful music but also for
its high standard of performance that is a joy to listen to. The programme
is split into various sections that depict anticipations for battle, victory
ceremonies, court dances and similar events. A wide variety of instruments
are used and the recreation of a historical paegeant is very much in evidence.
Reading the detailed notes is instructive as one can guage what pains and
research have been made to perform the music to the most faithful standards
possible. The battle sequences are indeed exhilarating, with pipes and drums
whistling away in merry anticipation and celebration. Virgin's recording
is breathtakingly clear and is just right for this kind of music. Very intriguing
stuff then and something which should definitely not be missed in the meleé
of discs currently being issued.
Gerald Fenech

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