HANDEL: Opera Arias and Overtures -2.
Emma Kirkby, The Brandenburg
Consort Roy Goodman.
Hyperion CDA67128 71m
Emma Kirkby follows on her immensely satisfying Handel disc with another
that contains a fair measure of surprises and delights in equal measure.
The overtures to 'Lotario', 'Atalanta' and 'Deidamia' are played with verve
and élan by the Brandenburg Consort under Roy Goodman. who manages
to find the right amount of humour and joie de vivre in these admittedly
trivial items. The vocal items are by far the most interesting with a beautiful
'Chi t'intende?' from Berenice and a very dramatic 'Son qual stanco', an
important excerpt from 'Arianna in Creta'. I'm not always so comfortable
with Handel's operatic medium, at times the works strike me as slightly boorish
and too long but when one dips with relaxation into such treasures the opposite
effect is to be had. Kirkby's voice is unparalleled in this repertoire as
she demonstrates continuously here. There are pieces from several rare operas
including 'Ezio' and 'Partenope'; these are both scores which should be recorded
in their entirety. The notes and recording are up to Hyperion's usual high
Gerald Fenech
Gerald Fenech
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