Edward II Ballet in 2 Acts.
Royal Ballet Sinfonia Barry
Hyperion CDA67135/6 114m
The subject of Edward II makes extremely good material for a dramatic production
and John McCabe's symphonic-cum-balletic rendition of it can be counted amongst
his finest works to date. At times it reminded me of the more overtly romantic
works by Feeney (Dracula etc) but the bitingly percussive nature of the music
ensures that the whole dramatic sweep of the plot is maximized with a certain
element of chilling power. The ballet is set in two large acts that are
essentially symphonic in argument although one can imagine certain elements
of the score as highly descriptive. Each act is divided into five scenes
and both are just less than an hour in length with the first being slightly
more involving, at least in my humble opinion! The detailed notes and synopsis
by Guy Rickards will provide the would-be purchaser with an extremely clear
background and a painstakingly complex analysis of the score - essential
reading for the McCabe enthusiast. At this stage, it would be sufficient
to report that the Royal Ballet Sinfonia and Barry Wordsworth are under the
skin of this score and bring a flair to what is indeed an orchestral
tour-de-force as many of McCabe's works are. Edward II promises to be one
of the composer's best works so far and its strongly tonal base provides
for a wider audience that may sample the originality of this music with greater
relish. The recording, in Walthamstow Assembly Hall is as close to perfection
as one could ever get with the immense power of the score coming across equally
well alongside the more intimate details. I cannot but recommend this issue
wholeheartedly and eagerly await a recording of 'Mary, Queen of Scots', another
outstanding ballet by the same composer.
Gerald Fenech

Gerald Fenech

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