The superb virtuosity of Marc Andre Hamelin knows no bounds. After his dauntingly
perfectionist interpretation of Busoni's titanic Piano Concerto he turns
to this disc of exquisite piano rarities by an almost unheard of Russian
composer. Not that Georgy Catoire is non-inventive, rather, his music has
suffered a neglect that is baffling. You must only listen to the delightful
morceaux pieces to note that a master is indeed at work here. There are versions
in three, four and five movements and all contain much music of rare quality
and superb harmonic invention. I also enjoyed the short Intermezzo Op. 6
and the swift, fleeting Prelude Op. 6 No. 2 for its disarming and charming
melody. Other rare and choice delights include the ubiquitous Intermezzo
also from the Op. 6 collection and the wonderfully alive Vision Op. 8 which
finds Hamelin in unbuttoned form. It almost goes without saying that this
pianist finds all nuances of invention and performs all pieces with a virtuosity
that although spectacular is at the same time restrained and effective. It
is good to see Mike Dutton collaborating on Hyperion projects, maybe a historical
label before too soon? Robert Matthew Walker's extensive notes are essential
reading for all enthusiasts of the piano literature whilst Masek's suggestive
painting on the front cover is but another jewel to the star studded diamonds
of Hyperion's remarkable cover gallery!
Gerald Fenech
Gerald Fenech
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