Joanna Leach is now in her early sixties and one wonders where her career
has gone. She studied with Peter Katin the doyen and most brilliant of British
pianists of the last 50 years. She is an accomplished player and her choice
of tempi is to be admired. The Variations of 1793 is one of Haydn's most
popular works and it is played here with a compelling sense of continuity
and a classical beauty that is missing from performances by more famous names.
The C major Sonata has an elegance and charm of its very own and is a very
rewarding piece to play. Ms Leech's tempi and choice of ornaments is very
convincing. I have never felt that Haydn's finale here works - a minuet in
an allegro tempo - particularly when you consider Haydn's brilliant finales.
The finale of the next sonata is also a minuet, although a more conventional
The Sonata in E flat is of historical interest since it was written for Maria
Anna von Gensinger, the wife of the physician to Prince Esterhazy. Haydn
had a close friendship with her and when she died in 1793 the Variations
were composed. She was a good pianist and this sonata is introspective; it
is a conversational piece and is almost operatic in style. It is a very personal
and mature work. The slow movement is akin to a soprano aria which may reveal
Haydn's feelings for Maria Anna. It is a fine piece, both peaceful and lovely
with a tender yearning on the one hand and high drama in the minor key on
the other. It is rather too florid and decorated for some tastes. While I
do not wish to enter the arena to debate musical authenticity I feel that
this rather special sonata fares better on a modern instrument as it will
heighten the drama and have a wider range of tone. The heartbeats at the
end of this movement say it all. The concluding minuet might suggest Haydn
wanting to dance it with Maria Anna and enjoy her closeness. The two-part
writing hints at two people in private.
The Sonata in C minor, like the Sonata in C, was written for Katharina and
Marianna Auenbrugger, two sisters who were pianists. The C minor is a dark
work and abounds in character and quality. The slow movement is far too
ornamented for my taste but that is what Haydn wanted. Nevertheless, it contains
a beautifully thoughtful main theme. Again, Jo Leach plays it in a direct
manner and does not allow it to become sweet or sickly. The finale is restless
and has more of a hint of tragedy in it.
And I am left wondering about what Haydn's real feelings were for Maria Anna
and the Auenbrugger sisters.
The performances are thoughtful and reliable and it has proved to cause me
to cogitate which must indicate Jo Leach's expert skill in communication.
David Wright
by LinkExchange