The Art of Lied
Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828)
Schwanengesang, D. 957 [51:10]
Im Gegenwärtigen Vergangenes, D. 710* [6:03]
Nachtelle D. 892* [5:16]
Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856)
Dichterliebe Op. 48 (excerpts) ** [18:55]
Hugo WOLF (1860-1903)
Mörike-Lieder (excerpts)*** [37:55]
Werner Gura (tenor); Cristoph Berner (piano)
*RIAS Kammerchor/Marcus Creed
*Philip Mayers (piano); ** ***Jan Schulsz (piano)
rec. May 2006, Salle du Reitstadel, Neumarkt Oberpfaltz; * May 1998, Christuskirche, Berlin-Oberschöneweide;**October 2001, Vereenidge Doopsgezinde Gemeente, Haarlem (NL);*** November-December 2004, Salle du Reitstadel, Neumarkt Oberpfaltz
Texts and translations not included
HARMONIA MUNDI HMX 2908460.61 [62:24 + 56:59]
This set usefully gathers together a selection of lieder recordings
made by the German tenor, Werner Gura, between 1998 and 2006.
The quality of the singer’s voice seems pretty consistent over
this span of eight years
The oldest recordings are the two Schubert items that act as
‘fillers’ on the first disc. To be frank, neither is amongst
Schubert’s most memorable compositions and the very obviously
church acoustic, with its resonance, isn’t ideal for this repertoire,
nor is the fact that the singers are rather set back from the
microphones, but the performances are good. Uniquely in this
collection the accompaniment is played on an instrument of the
period, a Viennese piano which dates from about 1825.
There’s much greater musical interest in Schwanengesang,
in which Gura is accompanied on a modern grand piano. Gura’s
tenor is essentially light, ideally suited to Mozart, I suspect,
though that’s not to say that there’s not steel in the tone
when required nor that the voice lacks body. In fact, it’s a
good Schubertian voice. He’s also capable of spinning a good
vocal line, as he demonstrates throughout these two discs. Good
examples of this ability occur in ‘Ihr Bild’ and ‘Am Meer’ and
are far from isolated instances. His light, easy tone is a pleasure
to hear in ‘Liebesbotschaft’ and he delivers the famous ‘Ständchen’
well. He’s capable of urgency, though, as in ‘Frülingssehnsucht’
and when we move to the darker Heine settings he has sufficient
vocal weight to deliver a dramatic account of ‘Der Atlas’. He
makes a good job of ‘Die Stadt’ without being as daring as some
singers I’ve heard. Again, in that chilling masterpiece, ‘Der
Doppelgänger’ he brings intensity to his singing though he doesn’t
make it the riveting experience that it is with, say. Peter
Schreier (Decca).
Moving to Schumann’s Heine cycle from which Gura offers ten
of the sixteen songs, the singer is light and wistful in ‘Im
wunderschönen Monat Mai’ to which his voice is well suited.
Later on in the cycle I admired the control he demonstrates
in spinning an expansive line during ‘Ich hab im Traum geweinet’
and to conclude the cycle he delivers a strong, defiant account
of ‘Die alten, bösen lieder’. Perhaps others have penetrated
deeper below the surface of these songs but still Gura’s is
a performance that I enjoyed. I believe that the omission of
six songs may have been the result of shortage of space on the
original release.
He and Jan Schulsz give us a selection of eighteen songs from
the fifty-three that comprise Wolf’s Mörike-Lieder
and I think their selection is well suited to Gura’s voice.
In Wolf the emotions can change within just a few bars during
a song – ‘Denk’es, o Seele’ offers such an example – and Gura
seems well attuned to these changes and capable of doing justice
to them. Several of the chosen songs are quite light in character
and tone – the opening ‘Fußreise, for example. This is just
the sort of song that, by now, one has come to expect Gura to
deliver pleasingly, and he does. At the other end of the Wolf
selection, however, he proves capable of giving a bitingly dramatic
reading of ‘Der Feuerreiter’ – Wolf’s ‘Erlkönig’? – while fining
back his tone significantly so as to end the song in subdued
intensity. In between, we hear some beautiful and eloquent singing
in ‘Auf ein altes Bild’ and, by contrast, some powerful emotions
in ‘Verborgenheit’.
Throughout this collection Werner Gura receives sound support
from his various pianists. I’m not quite sure at whom this collection
is aimed. Seasoned collectors, acquiring it to hear Gura, will
quite possibly have other versions of these lieder in their
collection and thus ready access to texts and translations.
The fairly general nature of the notes will also not be a problem.
However, anyone selecting this set as part of the way in to
the riches of the lieder repertoire may find that the rather
basic documentation and, in particular the lack of texts and
translations is a handicap. Nonetheless, there is much to enjoy
John Quinn
Masterwork Index: Schwanengesang
~~ Dichterliebe