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Sogno barocco
Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567 - 1643)
1. Si dolce è ‘l tormento [4:07]
Francesco CAVALLI (1602 - 1676)
2. Instrumental [3:27]
Claudio MONTEVERDI ? Benedetto
FERRARI (1603 - 1681) ? Francesco
L’incoronazione di Poppea
3. Pur ti miro [4:25]
Francesco PROVENZALE (1624 -
4. Squarciato appena havea [10:48]
L’incoronazione di Poppea
5. Signor, oggi rinasco [5:22]
Francesco CAVALLI
6. Instrumental [2:18]
Luigi ROSSI (1598 - 1653)
7. Lamento de la regina di Suezia [10:32]
Francesco CAVALLI
La Calisto
8. Vivo per te [1:44]
9. Dolcissimi baci [6:34]
10. Sinfonia [5:20]
11. Doriclea lamento [6:42]
Il ritorno de’Ulisse in patria
12. Di misera regina [10:06]
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo)
Sandrine Piau (soprano) (3, 5, 9), Susanna Sundberg (contralto)
Ensemble Cappella Mediterranea/Leonardo García Alarcón
rec. January 2012. Gävle Konserthus, Sweden
Sung texts with translations in French, English and German enclosed
NAÏVE V 5286 [71:00]
Some years ago Anne Sofie von Otter went back to where she began
her solo career, as a Bach singer. That highly successful album
obviously whetted her appetite for baroque, since this is the
third disc of such repertoire. Seventeenth century Italian baroque
is a far cry from eighteenth century Bach but with von Otter’s
sure sense for style that’s not a problem. Monteverdi
and Cavalli were probably the two greatest 17th century
opera composers and whether they co-operated on L’incoronazione
di Poppea is open to debate. Even Ferrari is suggested as
a possible collaborator. Whoever penned the famous final duet
was inspired and this is, by the side of Dido’s lament
from Dido and Aeneas, the best known opera melody from
the whole century. Luigi Rossi composed only two operas, one
of them based on the Orpheus myth, but his fame today rests
largely on the Lamento recorded here. Francesco Provenzale
is the newcomer on this disc. He seems to have been the first
Neapolitan composer to write an opera. The piece here is an
isolated scena, but it is a lovely piece with thrilling dance
rhythms (tarantella!) and exotic instrumentation and if his
operas are of the same calibre they are worth reviving. Anne
Sofie von Otter is as always expressive and in ebullient mood.
The disc is worth buying for this piece alone. The Rossi lament
describes the pain and desperation of the Queen of Sweden upon
learning that her husband, Gustavus II Adolphus had been killed
during the battle of Lützen in 1632, during the Thirty
Years’ War. 380 years later the music and the words grab
you by the throat and von Otter sings it with total identification.
She is not afraid of sacrificing beauty of tone for dramatic
and psychological truth. I have never heard a better reading.
We meet another sad queen in Il ritorno d’Ulisse in
patria, Penelope, who is waiting for Ulysses to return from
Troy. This is Monteverdi at his best and von Otter is magnificent.
I wish she would record the complete opera. Susanna Sundberg’s
dark contralto is briefly heard as Eurycleia.
The three duets with Sandrine Piau are also highlights, the
voices blending beautifully and both singers are so sensitive
to nuances. You can’t expect to hear better baroque singing.
There are also three instrumental pieces from Cavalli’s
Elena. They are full of beauty and colour.
The Ensemble Cappella Mediterranea, founded in 2005, by its
conductor, Leonardo Garcia Alarcón, is a splendid band,
specializing in ‘the aesthetic ideals of the great composers
of southern Europe’. The recording made, surprisingly,
in Gävle in central Sweden, is excellent and the disc is
a must for baroque enthusiasts.
Göran Forsling