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Fantasies and Impromptus
Gabriel PIERNÉ (1863-1937)
Impromptu-Caprice, Op.9 [6:11]
Louis SPOHR (1784-1859)
Fantaisie, Op. 35 [8:41]
Variations on a theme [6:28]
Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921)
Fantaisie, Op. 95 [10:56]
Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924)
Impromptu, Op. 86 [8:50]
Une châtelaine en sa tour, Op. 110 [5:19]
Gabriel VERDALLE (1845-1912)
Impromptu No. 2 [6:08]
Johannes SNOER (1868-1936)
Fantasie über das Niederländische Volkslied [8:29]
Albert ROUSSEL (1869-1937)
Impromptu, Op. 21 [5:46]
Reinhold GLIÈRE (1875-1956)
Impromptu [4:00]
Lavinia Meijer (harp)
rec. November 2010, Doopsgezinde Kerk, Deventer, The Netherlands
I had to smile as I read these liner-notes, as they spoke of
‘raving reviews’ for Lavinia Meijer’s earlier
discs; my reaction to Visions - review
- might just qualify, as I all but lost my critical marbles
praising the performances and recording. I was so impressed
I went out and bought Meijer’s debut album, Divertissements,
so you can imagine how eager I was to sample Fantasies and
Impromptus. Would this be another Recording of the Month,
or even the Year?
The dark, oaken sound at the start of Pierné’s
Impromptu-Caprice suggests it might. It’s hard
to imagine harp playing of such refinement and character, or
a recording that better serves this glorious instrument. Remarkably,
producer/engineer Jared Sacks has ensured the standard CD layer
sounds every bit as seductive as the Super Audio one, with a
wonderful ‘bloom’ to the sound, the notes allowed
to decay and diminish with great naturalness. Indeed, it’s
that ‘air’ that helps this music to breathe, that
brings us one step closer to the liver performance.
Technical wizardry wouldn’t count for much if the playing
weren’t so distinguished, those grand flourishes apt to
raise a few goose bumps. Just sample Spohr’s Fantaisie,
to which Meijer brings a jewelled loveliness; I defy you not
to be spellbound by this or the Variations on a theme,
the latter essayed with what one can only describe as easeful
elegance. Such a consistently high level of musicianship is
rare indeed, and I doubt the Saint-Saëns Fantaisie
has ever seemed so lustrous, those bell-like figures so like
the sound of distant chimes.
But this isn’t just ‘pretty’ music, the Fauré
pieces played with a masculine energy that I enjoyed immensely.
It’s so easy for themed collections such as this to pall
after a while, the ear starved of variety, but Meijer invests
each of these pieces with enough personality to distinguish
one from the other. That said, in terms of programming Visions
was nothing short of inspired; that more diverse menu will surely
appeal to those with a sophisticated palate, whereas Fantasies
and Impromptus will tempt those with a sweet tooth. Still,
there are some unusual dishes here, the Verdalle Impromptu
and Snoer’s variation on a Dutch folk tune both new to
me. Needless to say, they’re charming, the Verdalle possessed
of a Satie-esque circularity that is most engaging.
As for the Roussel, it’s like a tart sorbet after a rich
main course; one can only marvel at how Meijer brings out the
distinct and individual flavours of each work. She rounds off
with Glière’s florid little Impromptu, the
harp’s lower strings resonating most beautifully in the
mix. So, despite the tiniest of caveats about the menu I’m
delighted with this new disc and so will be all who enjoy this
Smakelijk eten!
Dan Morgan