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Arthur FOOTE
Francesca da Rimini, Op.24 (1890) [14:41]a
Serenade, Op. 25 (excerpts) (1889, 1866) II. Air [8:42] V. Gavotte
Four Character Pieces after the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Op.
48 (1900) [16:37]a
Suite in E major for string orchestra, Op. 63 (1907) [15:43]c
Symphony/Gerard Schwarz
rec. a 24 February 1997, Seattle Center Opera House, Washington;
b 12 November 2004, Benaroya Hall, Seattle; c 11 February
2005, Benaroya Hall, Seattle
NAXOS AMERICAN CLASSICS 8.559365 [59:20]  |
Dante's narrative (in Canto V of the Inferno) of the passion
of Paolo and Francesca has, perhaps unsurprisingly, attracted
many artists in other media (as well as poets and dramatists).
It would be fair to say that that attraction seems to have been
at its most magnetic during the nineteenth century and the early
years of the twentieth century. Amongst painters there is Ingres'
Gianciotto Discovers Paolo and Francesca (1819) and there's
Ary Scheffer's remarkable The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca
Appear to Dante and Virgil of 1835, which appears
(too small to do it justice) on the cover of the present CD
and can be seen in the Wallace Collection in London; the story
is frequently represented in the work of the Pre-Raphaelites;
there is George Frederick Watts' Paolo and Francesca
of 1855; and it is worth remembering that Rodin's The
Kiss was originally called 'Francesca da Rimini'.
And there are many more paintings, drawings and sculptures.
There are operas by, amongst others, Mercadante (1828), Generali
(1829), Cagnoni (1878), Ambroise Thomas (1882), Rachmaninov
(1906) and Mancinelli (1907). And there is Tchaikovsky's
Francesca da Rimini of 1878. So, when he turned to the
subject for what he called a 'Symphonic Prologue', which
was to become his second published orchestral work, Arthur Foote
could hardly be accused of excessive originality. In truth the
same might be said of most of the music he wrote. The orchestral
works on this disc are accomplished and eminently listenable;
but at every turn one hears the ghosts of Foote's predecessors
and older contemporaries. Tchaikovsky, obviously; Brahms, perhaps
even more obviously; Dvořák, Schumann and even Grieg;
in his Serenade it is of Bach that we are most forcefully reminded.
Insofar as the story Paolo and Francesca inevitably invited
comparison with some indisputably greater masters it wasn't
an especially wise choice. Foote's work is pleasant and
worthy, but at times a little ponderous and largely lacking
the kind of passionate intensity which the story demands and
which can be found in both Tchaikovsky and the Italian opera
composers. Foote's music operates within a kind of generic
emotional language which doesn't do much to evoke the particularities
of his subject matter. This, I find, is music which invites
a damning with faint praise - it isn't really special, but
it is far from bad.
The Four Character Pieces after the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
are more individual and more attractive. Each of the pieces
is explicitly inked to one or more quatrains from Edward Fitzgerald's
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. The first responds to the quatrain
beginning 'Iram indeed is gone with all his Rose, / And
Jamshid's Sev'n-ring'd Cup where no one knows'
and in its limpid clarinet-led andante it has a fitting sense
of the mutable and the evanescent; the second piece is in two
sections, marked allegro deciso and più
moderato, and articulates a musical interpretation, initially,
of the quatrain beginning 'They Say the Lion and the Lizard
', with some apt orchestral power reinforcing
the quatrain's later phrase which tells of Bahrám
the hunter and how 'the wild Ass / Stamps o'er his head';
the second section returns to the mood of glories lost and the
passing of time, some of the writing for strings being particularly
attractive here, before the first section is reprised. The third
piece has as its motto the famous (and much parodied) quatrain
beginning 'A Book of Verses underneath the Bough' and
creates an atmosphere of tranquillity which is meditative and
comforting (again the string writing is impressive). The last
piece has a three part structure, organised in response to two
quatrains, with the opening and closing sections related to
Fitzgerald's quatrain which begins 'Yon rising Moon
that looks for us again', the central section being built
on the quatrain which opens 'Waste not your Hour, nor in
the vain pursuit'. There's an attractive sense of abundant
space and time (though not, of course, for the individual human
life) in Foote's music here, the central section graced
by an elegant solo for oboe. These are effective and interesting
pieces, and I suspect that their brevity does Foote a favour.
Certainly the initially attractive Air, of 1889, from his Serenade,
although it has some lovely melodic writing, is somewhat in
danger of overstaying its welcome - it doesn't quite have
the power to hold one's interest in the way that Samuel
Barber's Adagio does. The Gavotte - where like the Air,
Foote's study of Bach is evident - comes across as pastiche,
albeit attractive and thoroughly competent pastiche. There is
more individuality in the Suite of 1907 though, paradoxically
it is an individuality which seems largely to be created by
the way in which Foote's music glances off, so to speak,
that of predecessors such as Tchaikovsky and Brahms. The pizzicato
section which opens the central movement is thoroughly attractive
in a quasi-Tchaikovskian fashion and the Fugue which closes
this three movement suite has a Brahmsian dignity and weight.
Like pretty well everything else on this disc it will reward
repeated listenings, without ever quite persuading one that
one is in the presence of greatness.
The earlier recordings are slightly less focused than those
of 2007, but the difference will surely not trouble many listeners.
Glyn Pursglove
see also reviews by Rob
Barnett and William