Some members may well consider the future of the BMS to be pretty secure.
After all, the Newsletter comes out four times a year and the Journal
once a Year; a new recording has recently been issued; the recent Choral
Competition attained a nomination for the Royal Philharmonic Society
Awards, and there has been an excellent response for the forthcoming
Song Competition. Additionally, the finances are sound, membership has
risen to 600, and supporting membership, subscription and sales services
are effective.
However, all these and other activities are carried out by a Committee
of eight, two of whom manage and edit our publications. There are no
understudies or reserves, and we are not getting any younger. Indeed
the eldest retires this year at the AGM. Much of his work will have
to be undertaken by existing members. So it is essential that new blood
is brought in. There are two ways this can happen.
Members unable to attend the bi-monthly meetings in London can undertake
important supportive roles from their homes, thereby relieving existing
members of some of their work by spreading the load.
Those who live near enough to attend meetings can do so. Members who
live further away from London could initially just come to absorb how
the BMS operates. In due course, tasks and jobs can be undertaken by
mutual agreement. There is also scope for new ideas and innovations,
but initially the important priority is to keep the existing mechanism
The fact that so many committee members have soldiered on for so many
years is an indication of how rewarding they feel their efforts to be.
I will not bore you now with details of the organisation or structure,
but if anybody is interested in joining us in either way, please let
me know and I'll send more information and explanations.
I am, of course, cognisant of the contributions made by members who
write for the publications, and who help with specific projects. Their
efforts are highly regarded. But that does not alter the fact that the
last time members were asked to come forward to join or help the committee,
not one single offer came along. The future of the BMS is up to you.
Raphael Terroni Chairman
Membership enquiries to
Hon. Treasurer: Stephen Trowell, 7 Tudor Gardens, Upminster, Essex
RM14 3DE
(+44 (0)1708 224795
or via