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Appendix 2: Other works for cello and orchestra (Composers G-K)
This is a list of non-concerto works for cello and orchestra/ensemble by composers who did not write a cello concerto. For composers who also wrote one or more cello concertos (including those for multiple cellos), such works are mentioned in the composer’s entry in the alphabetical listing, and they are not included here. When this project was first published the original version of this appendix was chronological and selective, and included only relatively major works that could be heard: that Appendix may be found here. In the present list, if no recording is mentioned then this means that we have to date been unable to identify one. Links to performances on the internet are provided for such works, where available.
Composers G-K
Gabriel-Marie (Jean Gabriel Prosper Marie) (1852-1928) was a French composer and conductor (and father of the composer Jean Gabriel Marie) who wrote Chanson capricieuse, Intermezzo, Pasquinade, Ręverie, Tzigane, and Vieille histoire for cello and orchestra (and for various other instrumentations).
Gaidamaka (Haidamaka), Petro (1907-1981) was a Ukrainian composer who wrote Variations on a Theme by M. Lysenko for cello and orchestra. This has been recorded by Volodimir Shokov for Angelok.
Galloway, Aaron (b.2002) is an American cellist, composer and student who wrote a Capriccio for cello and orchestra in 2019 that may be heard on YouTube.
García, Fernando (b.1930) is a Chilean composer who wrote Tres cantos materiales for cello and strings in 1999.
García, Orlando Jacinto (b.1954) is a Cuban-American composer who wrote a return to fragmentation and the use of negative space for cello and string orchestra in 2017. This may be heard on YouTube played by Jason Calloway.
Garcin, Jules (1830-1896) was a French violinist, conductor and composer who wrote a concertino for cello (or viola) and orchestra in 1870.
Garmon, Shawn (b.1969) is an American composer and pianist who wrote Surrender for cello and small orchestra in 2003.
Garmón Fidalgo, Pablo Javier is a Spanish composer mainly for the film, advertising and video game industry who wrote a Lament for cello and orchestra that may be heard on YouTube.
Garrett, Michael (1944-2023) was a British composer who wrote a Fantasia for cello and orchestra in 1994.
Gärte, A.C. (Albrecht Karl Gärthe) was a composer and violist who worked in the court orchestra at Berleburg from 1844-1852 (see page 626) and wrote Potpourri for cello and orchestra (see page 156 of the inventory).
Gaubert, Philippe (1879-1941) was a French composer and flautist who wrote Počme romanesque for cello and orchestra in 1932. This has been recorded by Henri Demarquette for Timpani and may be heard on YouTube.
Gehweiler, Isabel (b.1988) is a German cellist and composer who wrote a concertino for cello and orchestra called Just free that was premiered by Vanessa Hunt Russell in August 2023.
Gentil, Arthur (1883-1964) was a French composer who wrote Deuxičme ręverie for cello (or violin) with orchestral accompaniment.
Gervasoni, Stefano (b.1962) is an Italian composer who wrote Heur, leurre, lueur for cello and orchestra in 2013. The premiere may be heard on SoundCloud played by Francesco Dillon.
Giannetta, Domenico (b.1974) is an Italian composer who wrote an Elegia for cello and strings in 2006. This may be heard on SoundCloud played by Sandro Meo.
Giarda, Luigi Stefano (1868-1952) was an Italian-Chilean composer and cellist who wrote four pieces for cello and orchestra: Conzertstück (1907), Coqueterie, Sonata in stilo antico and Suite campestre (1907); and two for cello and string orchestra: Berceuse (1935) and Los enanos.
Gilson, Paul (1865-1942) was a Belgian musician and composer who wrote Andante et Scherzo for cello and orchestra in 1906 that has been recorded by Timora Rosler for Etcetera/Klara who may be heard playing it on YouTube.
Giménez Noble, Javier (b.1953) is an Argentine composer who wrote Kaleidos for cello and orchestra in 2001.
Giraudet, Julien (b.1987) is a French composer and performer who wrote Mythe for cello and orchestra that was premiered by Victor Julien-Laferričre in 2021 and may be heard within this Radio France podcast.
Gjeilo, Ola (b.1978) is a Norwegian pianist and composer based in the United States who wrote River for cello and orchestra in 2011.
Glass, Louis (1864-1936) was a Danish composer who wrote Frühlingslied (Spring Song) for cello and orchestra which was published in 1903. A version with piano accompaniment has been recorded by Henrik Brendstrup for Dacapo.
Glazachov, Gennady (1915-after 1986) was a Ukrainian composer who wrote a Poem in memory of Lenin for cello and orchestra in 1969.
Glazer, Benoit (b.1964) is a Canadian composer, conductor and multi-instrumentalist based in the United States who wrote a cello concertino called Petit Concert Pour Mon Garçon. The premiere played by his son Jean-Marie in 2019 may be heard on YouTube.
Gnessin (Gnesin), Mikhail (1883-1957) was a Russian composer who has a Ballade for cello and orchestra attributed to him in the above link. We can find no other evidence of the work which is perhaps an orchestral version of his Sonata-Ballade for cello and piano from 1909.
Göçmen, Musa (b.1974) is a Turkish musician who wrote Yüzün for cello and orchestra in 2001, and Ethno Cello for cello and wind orchestra in 2004. We found evidence for such versions of these works at https://acikbilim.yok.gov.tr but the site is no longer accessible.
Godard, Benjamin (1849-1895) was a French composer who wrote 2 Morceaux for cello and orchestra which were published around 1877.
Goeb, Roger (1914-1997) was an American composer who wrote Concertant 2 for cello (originally for bassoon) and string orchestra in 1952. This can be heard on YouTube played by Richard Kay.
Goehr, Alexander (1932-2024) was a German-born British composer who wrote a Romanza for cello and orchestra in 1968. This was premiered by Jacqueline du Pré and has been recorded by Moray Welsh for NMC. He also wrote Uninterrupted Movement for solo cello, 4 celli and others in 1995 that was premiered by Ralph Kirshbaum (see page 40).
Goldston, Lori (b.1963) is an American cellist and composer who wrote That Sunrise for amplified cello and orchestra that she premiered in 2017; it may be heard on YouTube.
Golovin, Andrei (b.1950) is a Russian composer who wrote Canzone for cello and string orchestra in 2009 that has been recorded by Alexander Rudin for Toccata Classics and may be heard on YouTube.
Gomes, Wellington (b.1960) is a Brazilian composer who wrote a Fantasia for cello and chamber orchestra in 1992 that may be heard on YouTube played by Christian Knop.
Gonçalves, Wellington José is a Brazilian composer who wrote Pęndulo de Foucault for cello, percussion and strings in 2018, the premiere of which may be heard on YouTube played by Rodrigo Prado. He also wrote No Gravity - Paisagem Sonora I for cello and electronics in 2018, the premiere of which may also be heard on YouTube played by Rodrigo Prado.
Gong, Peng-Peng (b.1992) is a Chinese composer and pianist who wrote Reverie for cello and string orchestra in 2014. As Ode to Limpidity this was incorporated into his Rejuvenation (fourth) symphony and may be heard on YouTube played by Era Matsumoto.
Goodchild, William (b.1964) is an English composer, mainly of film and TV music, and conductor who wrote a Suite for cello and orchestra that was premiered by Kwesi Edman in 2014.
Górecki, Mikołaj Piotr (b.1971) is a Polish composer (and son of the composer Henryk Mikołaj Górecki) who wrote an Elegy for cello and string orchestra in 2015 that has been recorded by Tomasz Strahl for Dux and may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote The Eclipse of Time for cello and orchestra in 2018.
Gorli, Sandro (b.1948) is an Italian composer who wrote The Silent Stream for cello and orchestra in 1980 that was premiered by Andrzej Tichy. In 1995 he wrote Ritratto for cello and ensemble that was premiered by Relja Lukic.
Goudoever, Henri van (1898-1977) was a Dutch conductor, cellist and composer who wrote two works for cello and orchestra in 1921: Suite (Hommage ŕ Gerard Hekking) and Le temple bleu. The former appears to be the same work as the "concerto" played by Mariëtte Landheer on YouTube in two parts.
Gough, Christopher (b.1991) is a Scottish horn player and composer who wrote Three Belarusian Folk Songs for cello and orchestra based on traditional folk songs. Alexander Kiseliov gave the premiere in 2020 and may be heard playing the work on YouTube.
Grainger, Percy (1882-1961) was an Australian-born American composer, arranger and pianist who wrote a version of Youthful Rapture for cello and orchestra in 1929. This has been recorded by Julian Lloyd Webber for Philips and Tim Hugh for Chandos. The former can be heard on YouTube.
Grange, Philip (b.1956) is an English composer who wrote The Dark Labyrinth for cello and ensemble in 1986 that was premiered by Lionel Handy, and has been recorded by Timothy Gill for Black Box.
Grant, Stewart (b.1948) is a Canadian composer, conductor and oboist who wrote Bhajan for cello and strings in 1983 that may be heard by Genevičve Guimond on YouTube.
Grattarola (Grattola), Bruno (aka Bruno Wassil) (b.1920) is or was an Italian composer and pianist who wrote Nenia for cello and orchestra in 1946.
Green, Geraldine (b.1967) is a Northern Irish composer who wrote Mini Concerto for Alex for cello and orchestra in 1992 that may be heard played by Katja Weigang via the link above. She also wrote an intermezzo for cello and strings called The Pines of Roselawn in 2012 that may be heard played by Luise Bülte via the link above in a reduction for cello and piano.
Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907) wrote a cello sonata in 1883 that was orchestrated into a concerto by Joseph Horovitz and Benjamin Wallfisch. This has been recorded by Raphael Wallfisch for Black Box (later on ASV).
Griffey, Ross S. (b.1990) is an American composer who, according to information we have reviewed but is no longer available on the internet, wrote a Rhapsody for cello and chamber ensemble in 2011. The evidence for this work we found was at the composer's website https://www.rossgriffey.com but the site seems to be no longer available.
Grigorjeva, Galina (b.1962) is a Ukrainian composer based in Estonia who wrote Molitva (The Prayer) for cello and orchestra in 2011. This work exists in various arrangements for other instruments. It has been recorded by Allar Kaasik on the cello accompanied by a chorus for BIS.
Grimbert-Barré, Jonathan (b.1982) is a French cellist, composer and film music producer (and grandson of the composer Amédée Barré from Guadeloupe) who wrote a Symphonie Concertante for cello, percussion and orchestra that was premiered by Marc Coppey in 2012. An excerpt from the performance can be heard on YouTube.
Grolnic, Sidney (1946-2020) was an American composer and librarian who wrote a Rhapsody for cello and strings which was published in 1974.
Gronau, Alicja (b.1957) is a Polish composer who wrote Cascades in 2020 for cello and string orchestra. This has been recorded by Tomasz Strahl for Dux and may be heard on YouTube.
Große-Schware, Hermann (1931-2019) was a German composer and teacher who wrote Rezitationen for cello and orchestra (see page 16), and a Rhapsodie for cello and big band.
Grosshandler, Seth (b.1958) is an American composer and lawyer who wrote a concertino for cello and strings. The premiere played by Madeline Fayette in 2024 may be heard on YouTube.
Grudzień, Jacek (b.1961) is a Polish composer who wrote Pangea for cello and chamber orchestra in 1997 (see page 30).
Grünberg, Sven (b.1956) is an Estonian composer who wrote Traces Inside You for cello and chamber orchestra in 2019 that was premiered by Andreas Lend.
Guarello, Alejandro (b.1951) is a Chilean composer who wrote Transcursos for cello and string orchestra in 1981. This was premiered by Roberto González, has been recorded by Eduardo Valenzuela for DOM and may be heard on YouTube (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3).
Guarnieri, Mozart Camargo (1907-1993) was a Brazilian composer who wrote Chôro for cello and orchestra in 1961. This has been recorded on LP by Aldo Parisot for ABC Westminster Gold and may be heard on YouTube. It has also been recorded on CD by Carlos Prieto for Urtext and this may also be heard on YouTube.
Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Pelle (1932-2016) was a Danish composer who wrote For cello and orchestra in 1996. This has been recorded by Morten Zeuthen for Dacapo and can be heard on YouTube.
Guđnadóttir, Hildur (b.1982) is an Icelandic composer, cellist and singer based in Germany who wrote the score for the film Joker that may be considered to be a cello concerto in disguise. This has been recorded by Clarice Jenson for Watertower Music.
Guinjoan, Joan (1931-2019) was a Catalan composer and pianist who wrote Music for cello and orchestra in 1975. The revised version from 1980 has been recorded by the dedicatee Lluís Claret for Etnos, and also for Harmonia Mundi.
Gunby, Matt (b.1990) is an American composer who wrote Construct for cello and strings that may be heard on YouTube in a computer-generated performance.
Gutiérrez Heras, Joaquín (1927-2012) was a Mexican composer who wrote a Fantasia concertante for cello and orchestra. This has been recorded by Carlos Prieto for Urtext and may be heard on YouTube.
Guy, Barry (b.1947) is a British composer and double bass player who wrote Incontri for cello and orchestra in 1970.
Haapalainen, Väinö (1893-1945) was a Finnish composer and choir director who wrote a Humoresque for cello and orchestra and Öinen näky (Night Vision) for cello and orchestra, both of which were premiered in 1930.
Hadley, Henry Kimball (1871-1937) was an American composer and conductor who wrote a Konzertstück for cello and orchestra in 1909.
Hadley, Patrick (1899-1973) was a British composer who wrote The Last Memory for cello and orchestra with soprano voice (off stage) in 1929.
Hakim, Naji (b.1955) is a Lebanese-born French organist and composer who wrote Levantine Variations for cello and orchestra in 2022. An earlier version for cello and piano may be heard on YouTube played by Gwendeline Lumaret.
Haller, Hermann (1914-2002) was a Swiss composer who wrote Extension-Contraction - elegiac music for cello and orchestra in 1981. This has been recorded on LP by Raffaele Altwegg for Jecklin-Disco and can be heard on YouTube.
Hamerik, Asger (1843-1923) was a Danish composer who wrote a Concert romance for cello and orchestra in 1879 that has been recorded by Henrik Steensgard for Danacord.
Hanesyan, Harutyun (1911-1987) was a Turkish violist and composer of Armenian descent who wrote Romance No.2 for cello and string orchestra. This has been recorded on LP by Nusret Kayar for Aras.
Hardy, Michael is an Australian composer and producer who arranged his Fantasy (which was originally for cello, piano and electronics) for cello and orchestra in 2022. This may be heard on YouTube.
Harley, James (b.1959) is a Canadian composer who wrote Cuimhneachan Urramach (Honorable Mention) for cello and mixed ensemble in 1996. This may be heard on SoundCloud played by Yegor Dyachkov.
Harling, W. Franke (1887-1958) was an English-born American composer, mainly of film scores and popular music, who wrote Three Elegiac Poems for cello and orchestra in 1946.
Harper, Edward (1941-2009) was a British composer who wrote In Memoriam for cello and chamber orchestra in 1992. This is an orchestrated version of a work for cello and piano written two years earlier in memory of Kenneth Leighton.
Harrison, Lou (1917-2003) was an American composer who wrote Rhymes with Silver for cello, ensemble and mixed quintet in 1996. This was premiered by Yo Yo Ma and has been recorded by Joan Jeanrenaud for New Albion, and also by an uncredited cellist for Dynamic. The latter may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote a suite for cello and harp in 1949 and a suite for cello and piano in 1995 that were arranged together by Robert Hughes as a suite for cello and string orchestra in 1998. In 1979 Harrison wrote Threnody for Carlos Chávez for viola and Javanese gamelan; a version for cello and Javanese gamelan may be heard on YouTube played by Amelia Bierly.
Harsányi, Tibor (1898-1954) was a Hungarian-born French composer who wrote Aria-Cadence-Rondo for cello and orchestra in 1930.
Hartnett, Kevin (b.1990) is an American composer who wrote To No Avail for cello and ensemble in 2018. This may be heard on YouTube played by Joshua DeVries.
Haug, Hans (1900-1967) was a Swiss conductor and composer who wrote Kurze Musik for cello and orchestra in 1927.
Hausmann, Carl Georg (1814-1860) was a German cellist and composer based in England who wrote a Fantaisie suisse for cello with orchestral accompaniment which was published around 1841.
Haxo, Cara (b.1991) is an American composer who wrote What Forests Are Born for cello and Balinese gamelan ensemble in 2016 that was premiered by Ramsey Sadaka in the same year.
Headington, Christopher (1930-1996) was a British composer, pianist and music critic who wrote a Serenade for cello and string orchestra in 1993. This has been recorded by Alexander Baillie for ASV and may be heard on YouTube.
Heberlein, Hermann (1859-1913) was a German cellist and composer who wrote a Concertstück for cello and orchestra in 1893. Part of the work in a version with piano accompaniment may be heard on YouTube played by Geoffrey Dean.
Heckscher, Celeste de Longpré Massey (1860-1928) was an American composer who wrote a Romance for cello solo (see page 29) that was arranged for cello and chamber orchestra by J.L. Leman.
Hegenbart, František (1818-1887) was a Czech cellist and composer who wrote cello concertos with piano accompaniment, fantasies for cello and orchestra, and a Notturno for cello with orchestral accompaniment which was published in 1875.
Heggie, Jake (b.1961) is an American composer who wrote Holy the Firm, an essay for cello and orchestra in 2002. The premiere given by Emil Miland was recorded for JDA.
Heher, Hannes (b.1964) is an Austrian composer who arranged his Nachtmusik, which was originally for cello and organ, for cello and string orchestra in 2005.
Heintze, Gustaf Hjalmar (1879-1946) was a Swedish pianist, organist and composer who wrote a Phantasie for cello and orchestra.
Henriques, Robert (1858-1914) was a Danish cellist and composer who wrote a Tarantelle for cello and orchestra which was published in 1888.
Henze, Hans Werner (1926-2012) was a German composer who in 1953 wrote Ode an den Westwind for cello and orchestra based on a poem by Percy Shelley. This has been recorded by Siegfried Palm for DG and Gustav Rivinius for Arte Nova. In 1985 he wrote Englische Liebeslieder for cello and orchestra, and this has been recorded by Anssi Karttunen for Wergo.
Hernández Bellido, José Ramón (b.1969) is a Spanish conductor and composer who wrote a concertante for cello and chamber orchestra called Ubwenzi in 2022. The premiere played by Benjamín Rodriguez may be heard on YouTube.
Hétu, Jacques (1938-2010) was a Canadian composer who wrote a Rondo for cello and strings in 1965 (see page 28). This was premiered by Arpad Szomoru, has been recorded by Cameron Crozman for Atma and may be heard on YouTube. He also arranged his Adagio (originally for cello and piano, written in 1966) for cello and orchestra - see page 36 of the catalogue linked above. His Wikipedia page linked above lists a cello concerto from 1983 but other sources including the catalogue of his works list a clarinet concerto from that year and no cello concerto, so this seems likely to be in error.
Hidas, Frigyes (1928-2007) was a Hungarian composer who wrote a Ballad for cello and orchestra (1982) and a Fantasy for cello and wind ensemble (1998). The latter has been recorded by Judith Chapman for Stormworks, and can be heard on SoundCloud.
Higdon, Jennifer (b.1962) is an American composer who wrote a Soliloquy for cello and string orchestra which was premiered in 1989. This has been recorded by Kate Dillingham for CD Baby and can be heard on YouTube.
Hill, Edward Burlingame (1872-1960) was an American composer who wrote a Lyrical Piece for cello and orchestra (see page 109).
Hillemacher, Paul (1852-1933) was a French composer who wrote the following works for cello and orchestra: Two new pieces (1913) and Suite dans le style ancien (1919).
Hiller, Ferdinand (1811-1885) was a German composer and conductor who wrote a Concertstück for cello with orchestral accompaniment which was published in 1871.
Hinton, Arthur (1869-1941) was an English conductor and composer who wrote Song of the Waves (Chant des Vagues) for cello and orchestra which was published in 1899 (see page 34).
Hisada, Noriko (b.1963) is a Japanese composer who wrote Pursuit for cello and string orchestra in 1995.
Hisaishi, Joe (Fujisawa Mamoru) (b.1950) is a Japanese composer, mainly of film music, pianist, and conductor who wrote a concert version for cello and orchestra of his original score for the film Departures.
Ho Chee Kong (b.1963) is a Singaporean composer who wrote a fantasy for cello and large orchestra called Passage in 2012. He also made a version for cello and Chinese orchestra which can be heard on YouTube played by Qin Li-Wei.
Hockett, Charles F. (1916-2000) was an American linguist and composer who wrote a concertino for cello and winds.
Hodkinson, Juliana (b.1971) is a British composer based in Germany who wrote Machine ŕ eau for cello and string orchestra in 1998.
Hoenigsberg, David (1959-2005) was a South-African composer who completed a Soliloquy for cello and orchestra in 2000.
Holst, Gustav (1874-1934) wrote Invocation for cello and orchestra in 1911. Recordings of this include those by Alexander Baillie for Lyrita, Raphael Wallfisch for Nimbus, Steven Isserlis for Hyperion and Guy Johnston for Chandos. Holst's carol In the bleak midwinter has been arranged for cello and orchestra by Amy Crankshaw (b.1991), and this may be heard on YouTube played by Sophie Kauer.
Holt, Simon (b.1958) is an English composer who wrote Daedalus Remembers for cello and orchestra in 1995. This is part three of his Icarus trilogy.
Holten, Bo (b.1948) is a Danish composer and conductor who wrote a Sinfonia concertante for cello and orchestra in 1986 that has been recorded by Morten Zeuthen for Chandos and may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote Römische Elegien for obbligato cello, baritone and choir in 2011, and this has been recorded by Luc Tooten for Dacapo.
Holzhaus, Henry (??-c.1902?) was a composer who wrote an Elegy for cello and string quartet in 1896.
Hoover, Jeffrey (1959-2021) was an American composer who wrote an Essay in 1985 for cello (or clarinet or horn) and orchestra which has dissimilar solo parts. He also wrote Praying for Rain for cello and wind ensemble in 1999 which was premiered by Carter Enyeart.
Hořínka, Slavomír (b.1980) is a Czech composer who wrote Agapás Mé?, an aria for cello and twelve string instruments in 2011.
Hough, Stephen (b.1961) is a British-Australian composer, best known as a pianist, who wrote an elegy for cello and orchestra in 2005 called The Loneliest Wilderness. This has been recorded by the dedicatee Steven Isserlis for BIS. This work has sometimes been described as a concerto but not on the front of the score.
Hrovat, Vladimir (b.1947) is a Slovenian violinist and composer who wrote a Sinfonia concertante for cello and orchestra in 1999 that has been recorded by Miloš Mlejnik for Ars Slovenica.
Hsieh, Durwynne (b.1963) is an American composer who wrote Memories of the Wind at Night and Other Stories for cello and orchestra in 2014. This can be heard on SoundCloud played by Ani Aznavoorian. He also wrote Decisions for cello and orchestra in 2016.
Huang Kairan is a Chinese composer who wrote The Heartwarming China for cello and orchestra that may be heard on YouTube played by Nie Jiapeng.
Hübler, Klaus (1956-2018) was a German composer who wrote an elegy for cello and chamber orchestra called Wer die Schönheit angeschaut mit Augen in 1979.
Humel, Gerald (1931-2005) was an American composer of Czech descent who lived in Germany and wrote Temno for cello and ensemble in 1969. This was premiered by Christoph Kapler in the same year.
Hummel, Bertold (1925-2002) was a German composer who wrote a Poem for cello and strings in 1984 which was premiered by Julius Berger.
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778-1837) was an Austrian composer and pianist who wrote a Potpourri for cello and orchestra in G minor in 1821. This has been recorded in its shortened version by Michael Saxson for The Classical Orchestra and may be heard on YouTube. The full work may be heard on YouTube played by Eugen Prochác.
Hussey, Simon Cyril (b.1960) is an Australian multi-instrumentalist, record producer and audio engineer who wrote two short pieces for cello and orchestra: Elegy and Lament. Both may be heard on YouTube via the links above.
Hüttel, Josef (1893-1951) was a Czech composer, conductor and choirmaster who arranged his Chant Nostalgique for cello and orchestra in 1929.
Hutterstrasser-Scheidl, Lili (aka Lio Hans) (1882-1942) was an Austrian composer who wrote Träumerei for cello and orchestra (before 1914). This was performed under Richard Strauss in Berlin in 1916.
Huuskonen, Veikko (b.1930) is a Finnish accordionist, composer and conductor who wrote two works for cello and strings: Lehtiä muistojen (Leaves of memories) and Ruska.
Huybrechts, Albert (1899-1938) was a Belgian composer who wrote two works for cello and orchestra: Chant funčbre (1926) and a concertino (1932). Uncredited orchestral recordings may be heard on YouTube via the links above. Both works have been recorded for Cyprčs in versions with piano accompaniment, respectively by Marie Hallynck and Sébastian Walnier. The former may be heard on YouTube.
H˙tch, Kenneth Ian (b.1942) is a British composer and conductor who wrote Poem for Prospero for cello and orchestra that was premiered by Charlotte Watson in 2018.
Iannotta, Clara (b.1983) is an Italian composer who wrote Clangs for cello and ensemble in 2012 that was premiered by Séverine Ballon. It belongs to a trilogy and is sandwiched between Glockengiesserei for cello and electronics, and D'aprčs for ensemble. An excerpt from Clangs played by Séverine Ballon may be heard on SoundCloud.
Ikeda, Satoru (b.1961) is a Japanese composer who wrote Neo-Summit Yugawara for cello and chamber ensemble that was premiered by Modest Mentsinskyi in 2024. He also recorded it for Phasma and this may be heard on YouTube.
Incerti, Bruno (1910-1988) was a Swiss composer and violinist who wrote a Konzertstück for cello and string orchestra in 1977.
Indra, Juozas (1918-1968) was a Lithuanian composer who wrote a Suite for cello and string orchestra in 1966.
Ireland, John (1879-1962) was an English composer who wrote a sonata for cello and piano that has been arranged by Matthew Forbes for cello and strings. This has been recorded by Raphael Wallfisch for Naxos and may be heard on YouTube played by Razman Suma.
Isaacs, Mark (b.1958) is an Australian composer who wrote Invocations for cello and orchestra in 2011. The premiere may be heard on YouTube played by Julian Smiles.
Isamitt Alarcón, Carlos (1887-1974) was a Chilean composer and painter who wrote a Suite (see last page) for cello and chamber orchestra in 1950.
Iurlina, Higinio (1929-2021) was an Argentine composer who wrote Music for cello and strings in 1977.
Ives, Nancy is an American cellist and composer whose great-grandfather's cousin was Charles Ives. In 1994 she wrote and premiered her work Dialogue III for cello and orchestra.
Ivey, Jean Eichelberger (1923-2010) was an American composer who wrote Voyager for cello and orchestra in 1987 that was premiered by Mihaly Virizlay in 1991 (see page 3).
Jabłoński, Maciej (b.1974) is a Polish composer who wrote Déjŕ vu for cello and orchestra in 2007.
Jabri, Zaid (b.1975) is a Syrian-Polish composer and conductor who wrote two of his Songs Without Words for cello and orchestral forces. No.1 from 2005 can be heard on YouTube played by Athil Hamdan. No.3 from 2009 is also on YouTube, played by Kinan Abou Afash.
Jacklich, Joel (b.1948) is an American conductor, composer and publisher who arranged his Rondo for guitar and orchestra also for cello (or viola) and orchestra in 2014 that may be heard on SoundCloud.
Jadassohn, Salomon (1831-1902) was a German composer who wrote Cavatine for cello and orchestra in 1894. This has been recorded by Thomas Georgi for cpo.
Janson, Alfred (1937-2019) was a Norwegian pianist and composer who wrote a Fragment for cello and orchestra in 1991, and, in 1999, included it in another work for cello, choir and orchestra called Livsfrise (Frieze of Life).
Janulytė, Justė (b.1982) is a Lithuanian composer who wrote Midnight Sun for cello and orchestra in 2017 that was premiered by Mario Brunello.
Jarrell, Michael (b.1958) is a Swiss composer who wrote Assonance V (chaque jour n'est qu'une tręve) for cello and four ensembles in 1990. This has been recorded by Pierre Strauch for Accord and by Michael Stirling for Musiques Suisses. He also wrote Emergences - Nachlese VI for cello and orchestra in 2011 - this has been premiered by Jean-Guihen Queyras but does not seem to have been recorded yet.
Javorka, Peter (b.1993) is a Slovakian composer who wrote Metamorphoses for cello and orchestra in 2014. This may be heard on YouTube played by Andrej Gál.
Jeanjean, Paul (1874-1929) was a French composer and clarinettist who wrote Conte d'amour for cello and orchestra (1913), and Airs vieillots (1918) and Sommeil, both for cello and string orchestra.
Jeffers, Ryan is an American student composer who wrote A Slice of my Heart for cello and orchestra that may be heard on YouTube.
Jenny, Albert (1912-1992) was a Swiss composer who wrote an Elegy for cello and orchestra in 1928 and Concert Music for cello and string orchestra in 1938.
Ji, Seongmin (b.1983) is a South Korean composer who wrote a concertino for cello and ensemble designated No.1 in 2024 that may be heard on YouTube played by Jeong Suk Lee.
Jiráčková, Marta (b.1932) is a Czech composer who wrote The Butterfly Effect for cello, string orchestra and percussion in 1984.
Jirásek, Jan (b.1955) is a Czech composer who wrote Symbiosis for cello and orchestra in 1991.
Jolas, Betsy (b.1926) is a Franco-American composer who wrote Wanderlied for cello and ensemble in 2003 which was premiered by Sonia Wieder-Atherton. This may be heard on SoundCloud played by Olivier Gailly. She also wrote Side Roads for cello and string orchestra in 2017, and this has been recorded by Anssi Karttunen for 21 Music.
Jones, Bennet is a British clarinettist and composer who wrote a Rhapsody for cello and ensemble in 2017 that may be heard on SoundCloud played by Liz Muir.
Jones, Diane is an American composer and radio host who wrote Soul Dance for cello and orchestra that has been recorded by Ovidiu Marinescu for Navona Records and may be heard on YouTube.
Juon, Paul (1872-1940) was a Russian-born Swiss composer who lived mainly in Germany and who wrote Mysterien, a tone poem for cello and orchestra in 1914. This has been recorded by Pi-Chin Chien for Musiques Suisses and can be heard on YouTube.
Juozapaitis, Jurgis (b.1942) is a Lithuanian composer who wrote two works for cello and string orchestra: Visions (2017) and Metamorphoses (2020). The premiere of the latter may be heard on YouTube played by David Geringas.
Juzeliūnas, Julius (1916-2001) was a Lithuanian composer who wrote Gratitude for cello and string orchestra in 1992. An excerpt may be heard on YouTube performed by Gintarė Kaminskaitė.
Kakhidze, Vakhtang (b.1959) is a Georgian composer who wrote Moon Dances for cello and chamber orchestra in 1994. This has been recorded by Alexander Kniazev for CuGate Classics and may be heard on YouTube.
Kallioniemi, Lasse (b.1977) is a Finnish composer who wrote a Fantasy for cello and orchestra called Tähti (Star) in 2020 which was premiered by Pekka Smolander in Kokkola in January 2024.
Kamen, Michael (1948-2003) was an American composer, mostly of film scores, conductor and musician who wrote a Poem for cello and orchestra.
Kanaan, Iyad (b.1971) is a Lebanese composer who wrote A hero's diary, a symphonic poem for cello and orchestra, that may be heard on YouTube (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3) played by Sary Khalife.
Kancheli, Giya (1935-2019) was a Georgian composer based in Belgium who wrote Mourned by the wind, a liturgy for viola or cello and orchestra in 1989, and Simi (Joyless Thoughts) for cello and orchestra in 1995. Both works have been recorded by Alexander Ivashkin for Chandos and may be heard on YouTube. Simi has also been recorded by Mstislav Rostropovich for ECM. Kancheli also wrote Diplipito for cello, countertenor and orchestra in 1997. This has been recorded by Thomas Demenga for ECM and may be heard on YouTube played by Boris Andrianov. In 2018 he wrote T.S.D. for cello and orchestra, and this may also be heard on YouTube played by Boris Andrianov.
Karabekos, Stefanos (b.1942) is a Greek conductor and composer active in Canada who wrote Images of Greek Islands, a concertante for cello and orchestra, in 2003 that was premiered by David Hetherington.
Karabulut, Ahmet Sait (b.1987) is a Turkish pianist and composer who wrote Hasret (Adagio) for cello and orchestra that may be heard on YouTube with the cellist uncredited.
Karasowski, Maurycy (Moritz) (1823-1892) was a Polish cellist and composer who wrote a Morceau de concert for cello and orchestra.
Karimi, Meena (b.2004) is an Afghan cellist and composer who wrote Dawn for cello and orchestra (with orchestration by Arson Fahim). This had its European premiere in 2021 but, despite that, it appears that she intends to leave the work unfinished until Afghan women have achieved their dreams and rights.
Karmanov, Pavel (1970-2024) was a Russian composer and rock musician who wrote La Musica con Cello for cello and orchestra in 2015. This may be heard on YouTube played by Boris Andrianov.
Kaska, Kevin (b.1972) is an American composer, producer and conductor who wrote a concertino for cello and chamber orchestra called Three Celtic Verses, and a holocaust film score called Bearing Witness Suite for cello and orchestra. Excerpts of both works may be heard via the links above.
Kaufmann, Dieter (b.1941) is an Austrian composer who wrote Ständchen für einen Potentaten for cello and orchestra in 1982. This has been recorded on LP by Siegfried Palm for Amadeo.
Kaufmann, Serge (b.1930) is a Swiss-born French composer, journalist and producer who wrote Suite Yiddish for cello and string orchestra. This has been recorded by Natalia Timofeyeva for Marquis Classics and may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote Cantabile, three chants for cello, string orchestra and harpsichord, and this has been recorded by Philippe Pennanguer for Pavane (and others) and may be heard on YouTube.
Kaun, Hugo (1863-1932) was a German composer and conductor who wrote Gesangsszene for cello and orchestra which was published in 1902.
Kelkel, Manfred (1929-1999) was a French composer who wrote a concertino for cello and chamber orchestra in 1955.
Kenneson, Claude (1935-2013) was an American-born Canadian cellist, arranger and composer who wrote Dreamscape for cello and cello ensemble in 2003 that has been recorded by Shauna Rolston for CBC Records. He also wrote Spiritual: a fantasy to Black Gospel Hymns for cello and ensemble (2000), In memoriam Zoltán Székely for cello and cello ensemble (2002), and a scherzo for cello and cello ensemble called Ode to a Mouse (2004). Kenneson also arranged a large number of works by other composers for solo cello(s) and orchestra/ensemble, and some of these are included on the disc linked above.
Kerr, Harrison (1897-1978) was an American composer who arranged his Overture, Arioso, and Finale for cello and orchestra in 1966. The original version for cello and piano may be heard on YouTube in a computer generated recording.
Kessner, Daniel (b.1946) is an American composer who wrote Breath for cello and orchestra in 1991.
Ketting, Piet (1904-1984) was a Dutch composer who wrote a sinfonia for cello and orchestra in 1963.
Keyes, Nelson (1928-1987) was an American composer who wrote a concertino for cello and orchestra in 1962.
Khalitova, Merzie (b.1956) is an Usbekistan-born Ukrainian composer of Crimean Tatar origin who wrote an Epitaph for cello and string orchestra in memory of M. Tadzhiev.
Khisamutdinov, Ildar (b.1959) is a Belarusian composer who wrote a Children's Concert for cello and chamber orchestra. This can be heard on YouTube played by Izida Bigaeva.
Killmayer, Wilhelm (1927-2017) was a German composer who wrote Sostenuto for cello and string orchestra in 1984.
Kim, Ryan is a South Korean polymath and composer who wrote Lament of an Everlasting Echo for cello and orchestra that may be heard on YouTube. It is unclear to us to what extent artificial intelligence has been used in the compositions he has posted on his channel.
Kim, Sung-ki (Seong-gi) (b.1954) is a South Korean composer who wrote Miserere for cello and traditional Korean orchestra in 2004. This was premiered by Yang Seong-won and he may be heard playing it on YouTube.
Kim, Yun (Lyun) Joon (1916-2008) was a South Korean composer who wrote a Korean Elegy that has been arranged by Roxanna Panufnik for cello and orchestra. This has been recorded by Han-Na Chang for EMI and may be heard on YouTube.
Kirby, Paul H. (b.1946) is an American composer and organist who wrote a Nocturne for cello and orchestra. This can be heard via the above link played by Samuel Magill in 1978.
Kirchner, Leon (1919-2009) was an American composer who wrote a piece called Music for cello and orchestra in 1992 for Yo-Yo Ma who has recorded it for Sony. This may be heard on YouTube.
Kirchner, Volker David (1942-2020) was a German composer who wrote Kaddish for cello and small orchestra in 2010.
Kishino, Malika (b.1971) is a Japanese composer based in Germany who wrote What the Thunder Said for cello and orchestra in 2021. This may be heard on YouTube played by Oren Shevlin.
Kistler, Cyrill (1848-1907) was a German composer and music publisher who wrote a Serenade for cello (or violin or viola alta) and orchestra which was published in 1895.
Klami, Uuno (1900-1961) was a Finnish composer who wrote Cheremissian Fantasy for cello and orchestra in 1931. This has been recorded by Arto Noras for Finlandia and Samuli Peltonen for Ondine. The former may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote Tema con 7 variazioni e coda for cello and orchestra in 1954. This has been recorded by Jan-Erik Gustafsson for BIS.
Klatzow, Peter (1945-2021) was a South African composer and pianist who wrote The Temptation of St. Anthony after Hieronymus Bosch for cello and orchestra in 1972.
Klein, Immanuel (1960-2022) was a Dutch composer and cellist who wrote Iris for cello and orchestra in 1989. This has been recorded by Michel Dispa for Donemus Records and may be heard on YouTube.
Klein, Leonard (1929-2013) was an American composer and pianist who wrote La Soucoupe Volante (The Flying Saucer) for cello and orchestra in 1966.
Klein, Richard Rudolf (1921-2011) was a German composer who wrote Sequenza for cello and string orchestra in 2003. This was premiered by Lisa Neßling and may be heard on SoundCloud.
Knüsel, Alfred (b.1941) is a Swiss composer who wrote Gesti for cello and ensemble in 2016. The premiere played by Fernando Caida Greco may be heard on YouTube.
Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950) was a French composer who wrote Vingt Chansons bretonnes for cello and orchestra in 1932. Parts 1 and 2 (i.e. twelve of the songs) from the original work for cello and piano may be heard on YouTube played by Peter Bruns.
Koenig, Eric Neil (b.1958) is an American composer who wrote a cello concertino. This has been recorded by the Contemporary Record Society and may be heard on YouTube played by Kalin Ivanov.
Koetsier, Jan (1911-2006) was a Dutch composer who wrote a Concertante Suite for cello and orchestra (his second - the first is for violin and orchestra) in 1939, and revised it in 1975. He also wrote a Barock-Suite for cello and 12 woodwinds. Dutch Wikipedia suggests that he wrote a cello concerto in 1938 but this may be the suite alluded to above as we can find no other evidence for a concerto, and the link above to a list of the composer's works appears to be comprehensive.
Kohoutek, Ctirad (1929-2011) was a Czech composer who wrote a concertino for cello and chamber orchestra in 1964. A version with piano accompaniment has been recorded by Štěpán Filípek for Czech Radio and may be heard on Open Spotify.
Konjani, Amir (b.1983) is an Iranian composer and performance designer based in the United Kingdom who wrote a cello concertino that may be heard on YouTube played by Eliza Carew. He also wrote Kraken Cello Concertante for cello and small ensemble, and may be heard discussing the work on YouTube.
Kopelent, Marek (1932-2023) was a Czech composer who wrote Musique concertante for solo cello, twelve cellos and orchestra in 1991.
Köper, Karl-Heinz (1927-2011) was a German composer who wrote Tangenten for cello (or marimba) and orchestra.
Kopytman, Mark (1929-2011) was a Soviet-born Israeli composer who wrote Kaddish for cello (or viola) and string orchestra in 1981 which was a reorchestration of his second string quartet from 1966. This may be heard on YouTube played by Zvi Plesser.
Kordzaia, Alexandre (aka Kordz) (b.1994) is a Georgian musician, producer and composer who wrote Alex, how is it going with your Cello Concertino? for cello and ensemble. The premiere played by Lidy Blijdorp in 2020 may be heard on YouTube.
Kornauth, Egon (1891-1959) was an Austrian composer who wrote a Ballade for cello and orchestra which was published in 1923.
Kosíková, Irena (b.1975) is a Czech composer and organist who wrote Seven Candles for cello and string orchestra in 2006 which was premiered by Frantisek Brikcius. She also wrote Makanna, a ballet for cello and orchestra with a narrator in 2010, based on the novel of the same name by Jiří Weil. This can be heard on YouTube played by František Brikcius.
Kotik, Petr (b.1942) is a Czech-born American flautist and composer who wrote August/October for viola or cello and ensemble in 1981. He revised and renamed the work Apparent Orbit in 1985 - this is for alto flute and ensemble.
Kovach, Igor (1924-2003) was a Ukrainian composer who wrote a concertino for cello and orchestra that has been recorded by Volodimir Krugliakov for Angelok.
Krák, Egon (b.1958) is a Slovakian composer who wrote Message for cello and orchestra in 2017. This may be heard on YouTube played by Ján Slávik.
Kraus, Stefan is a German composer whose second elegy (Elegy for Life) is for cello and orchestra and may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote Apollons Besuch (Apollo's Visit) for orchestra with cello solo, and that may also be heard on YouTube.
Krawczyk, Franck (b.1969) is a French composer and pianist who wrote Jeux d'enfants for cello and orchestra after Leoš Janáček's Moravian Folksongs. This has been recorded by Sonia Wieder-Atherton for Naďve and may be heard on YouTube (tracks 6-12). He also wrote Polvere for cello, ensemble and choir in 2010. There is also a version of this work for cello, string quartet and cello octet called Polvere b/Fuga which was written in the same year; both versions were premiered by Sonia Wieder-Atherton.
Krynen, Jean-Dominique (b.1958) is a French composer who wrote Régates for cello and chamber orchestra in 1995 based on the original version for eight cellos from 1994. The original version may be heard on Bandcamp.
Kunc, Aymé (1877-1958) was a French composer who wrote two works in 1923 for cello and orchestra to be conducted from the piano: Chant élégiaque and Nocturne. The latter may also be played on the horn or bassoon. Kunc also wrote a Počme for cello and orchestra in 1943.
Kunieda, Harue (b.1958) is a Japanese composer who wrote Chanting for cello and orchestra in 2021 that was premiered by Kei Yamazawa.
Kunle, Fritz (b.1944) is a German teacher and composer who wrote a concertino for cello and string orchestra in 1984. There is very little information available about this composer on the internet.
Kupczak, Sławomir (b.1979) is a Polish composer who wrote Penultima for cello and chamber orchestra in 2008. This was premiered by Andrzej Bauer and he is likely to be the cellist who can be heard playing the work on YouTube. Kupczak also wrote Anafora V for cello and computer in 2004.
Kushta, Shpëtim (b.1946) is an Albanian composer who wrote a Fantasy for cello and orchestra in 1970 (see page 78).
Kuula, Toivo (1883-1918) was a Finnish composer and conductor who wrote two pieces for violin and piano called Joululaulu and Suru (Sorrow) in 1910-1912. These later became Chanson sans paroles for cello and strings with percussion, and Suru for cello and orchestra respectively. The latter may be heard on YouTube with the cellist uncredited and the original works have been recorded by cpo.
Kuusisto, Taneli (1905-1988) was a Finnish organist and composer who wrote a Nocturne for cello and orchestra in 1940.
Kuyper, Elisabeth (1877-1953) was a Dutch composer, pianist and conductor who wrote a Ballade for cello and orchestra in 1903.
Kuzmenko, Larysa (b.1956) is a Canadian composer and pianist who wrote Sea Without a Shore for cello and orchestra in 2004 which was premiered by Shauna Rolston.
Kvam, Oddvar S. (1927-2016) was a Norwegian composer who wrote Phoenix for cello and orchestra in 1988.
Kwiecinski, Andrzej (b.1984) is a Polish composer who wrote Pičces d'un violoncelle for cello and string orchestra in 2014 and Pičces de violoncelles for cello solo and four cellos in 2015.