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Alphabetical Listing of Composers of Cello Concertos C-F
Key: Recorded i.e. all of the composer’s cello concertos have been recorded Partly recorded i.e. some of the composer’s cello concertos have been recorded Unrecorded i.e. none of the composer’s cello concertos have been recorded Cáceres, German (b.1954) is a Salvadorian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2007. He also wrote Tiento XIII for cello and orchestra in 2013. Calabrese, José (Giuseppe) (1948-2018) was an Italian-born Venezuelan conductor and composer who wrote a cello concerto. Calcagno, Elsa (1910-1978) was an Argentine composer and pianist who wrote a cello concerto in 1950. Caldara, Antonio (c.1670-1736) was an Italian baroque composer who wrote a cello concerto in D minor that has been recorded by Klaus-Dieter Brandt for Myrios, Jan Vogler for Sony and by Michal Stahel for Pavlík. Cale, Bruce (b.1939) is an Australian composer and jazz double-bassist who wrote a cello concerto in 1988 which has been recorded by David Pereira for Tall Poppies. Calmel, Roger (1920-1998) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto which was premiered by Charles Reneau in 1968, and a Concerto languedocien for cello and wind ensemble. Cambissa, Giorgio (1921-1998) was an Italian conductor and composer who wrote a concerto breve for cello and orchestra in 1962 that was premiered by Libero Lana. This can be heard on YouTube played by Diego Cardoso. Camilleri, Charles (1931-2009) was a Maltese composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1992. This can be heard on YouTube played by Erkki Rautio. Caminiti, Giuseppe (1898-1971) was an Italian musician who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra, a piano reduction of which was published in 1939. The orchestral version can be heard in three parts via this YouTube page, played by the composer's son Vincenzo Caminiti. Campbell, William (b.1969) is an American pianist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra called Concerto Solstice in 1993. Campo, Conrado del (1878-1953) was a Spanish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1944 that may be heard on YouTube played by Aldo Mata. Campogrande, Nicola (b.1969) is an Italian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra called Warm Trip in 2007 that was premiered by Vittorio Ceccanti. He also wrote a concerto for cello, electric bass and string orchestra called Absolut in 2004. Canat de Chizy, Edith (b.1950) is a French composer who wrote a cello concerto called Moïra in 1998 that has been recorded by Sonia Wieder-Atherton for Timpani. This can be heard on YouTube. Canavasso, Paolo was the name of a composer who wrote a Concerto di Violoncello Principale con piú strumenti that was published in the second half of the nineteenth century and may be found in the Italian National Library. We are unsure who wrote it since there were several musicians with this name. Pietro Paolo Canavasso is mentioned here as the composer of a cello concerto in the early 18th century. There are references to two musicians based in Turin called Paolo Canavasso here, and elsewhere a cellist who was playing in the orchestra serving the Royal Chapel in 1822. Also, we previously found a composer of this name with dates of 1720-1775 on a site called musicsack.com but this seems to be no longer available. Caobelli, Federico is an Italian composer and nuclear medicine specialist who wrote a cello concerto in 1995 and revised it in 2021. This may be heard on YouTube in a computer generated performance. Capoianu, Dumitru (1929-2012) was a Romanian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2001 that has been recorded by Alexandru Moroșanu for Editura Casa Radio. Caporale, Francisco (or Francis aka Andrea) (c.1700-1746) was an Italian cellist and composer who wrote at least one cello concerto around 1741 that seems to be lost. Capuzzi, Giuseppe Antonio (1755-1818) was an Italian violinist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in C. Capyrin, Dmitri (b.1960) is a Russian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra called Chanson d'Amour in 1999. This can be heard via the above link played by Alexander Zagorinsky. Carcano, Carlo (b.1970) is an Italian composer who wrote a concerto for violoncelloe tutto vuoto in 2006. Carlson, David (b.1952) is an American composer who has written two cello concertos. The first dates from 1979 and has been recorded by Emil Miland for New World. No.2 dates from 1997, is for cello and strings, and can be heard on YouTube (Part 1; Part 2). Carlstedt, Jan (1926-2004) was a Swedish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1970. Carlton, Marvin J. (1953-2021) was an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra. The only evidence we found for this work was at the composer's website (www.marvinjcarlton.com) but we are no longer linking to it because there is now a security warning associated with the site. Cârneci, Carmen Maria (b.1957) is a Romanian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra called REm in 1996 that has been recorded by Dan Cavassi for Thalassa. This can be heard on YouTube. There is also a second version called REm-embER dating from 1997. Cârneci also wrote -emBER (Die Stille, ich) for cello and ensemble in 1999 that may be heard on YouTube played by Dan Cavassi. Carovani, Cosimo (b.1991) is an Italian cellist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra for Enrico Bronzi in 2019 (see post dated 12 May 2019). He also wrote per violoncello concertante e orchestra in 2011, and Due Scene di Serenata for concertant cello and strings in 2021 that he recorded for Sconfinarte. This may be heard on YouTube (Part 1; Part 2). Carovillano, David is a Canadian composer and accordionist who wrote a cello concerto called From the Ashes. A virtual recording realeased in 2021 is available on Bandcamp and may also be heard via the link above. Carrillo, Carlos (b.1968) is a Puerto Rican-born American-based composer who wrote O Casi el Alma (Or Almost the Soul) for cello and orchestra which was premiered by Amy Catron in 2015. Carrillo, Julián (1875-1965) was a Mexican composer who used microtones and composed two cello concertos. The first was Concierto en cuartos y octavos de tono for cello and orchestra. This can be heard on YouTube via the first of the above links played by Reine Flachot. The second was Concierto en cuartos, octavos y dieciseisavos de tono dating from 1958. He also wrote a Concertino en cuartos, octavos y dieciseisavos de tono for cello and orchestra in 1945. Carter, Elliott (1908-2012) was a long-lived American composer who was in his nineties when he wrote his cello concerto in 2001. This is a single movement work in seven sections lasting about twenty minutes. It has been recorded by Fred Sherry for Bridge and Alisa Weilerstein for Decca. Carter, Jessica T. (b.1992) is an American composer, violinist and mezzo-soprano who wrote a cello concerto called Rancor and Triumph in 2019. Some excerpts from the premiere played by Tamara Shu in 2022 may be heard on SoundCloud. Casadesus, Henri-Gustave (1879-1947) see: Bach, Johann Christian. Casadesus, Robert (1899-1972) was a celebrated French pianist and also a composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1947. The premiere played by Yves Chardon may be heard on YouTube. Casals, Enric (1892-1986) was a Catalan violinist and composer who was the brother of the famous cellist Pablo Casals. In 1946 he wrote a cello concerto in a romantic serious style which was played by Lluis Claret around 1970 and published posthumously in 2014. This has recently been recorded by Jan Vogler for Sony. Casanova, André (1919-2009) was a French composer who completed a cello concerto in 1983. Casarrubios, Andrea (b.1988) is a Spanish cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto called Mirage in 2019. This was premiered by Thomas Mesa and fragments may be heard on YouTube. In 2017 Casarrubios arranged the traditional Spanish song Tíu Babú into a work for cello and string orchestra called 24 Mozas. She premiered it in 2023 and this may be heard on YouTube. Cascioli, Gianluca (b.1979) is an Italian pianist, conductor and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra in 2018 that may be heard on YouTube played by Enrico Bronzi. Casella, Alfredo (1883-1947) was an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1935 which has been recorded by Andrea Noferini for Naxos. He also wrote Notturno e Tarantella for cello and orchestra in 1934 and this can be heard on YouTube played by Leo "Loscielng" (likely to be a misspelling of Koscielny). Cashian, Philip (b.1963) is an English composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 2012 that has been recorded by Darrett Adkins for NMC. Casken, John (b.1949) is an English composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 1991 that has been recorded by Heinrich Schiff for NMC and this may be heard on YouTube. Cassadó, Gaspar (1897-1966) was a Spanish cellist who wrote a cello concerto in 1926. This has been recorded by Martin Ostertag for Antes and may be heard on YouTube played by Johannes Goritzki. Cassadó also made cello concerto transcriptions of works by various other composers, notably Mozart's Horn Concerto K447, Schubert’s Arpeggione sonata and Tchaikovsky's op.72 Piano Pieces. Cassels-Brown, Alastair (1927-2001) was an English-born American organist and composer who wrote a cello concerto that was privately recorded by Jiří Hanousek. Castagnoli, Giulio (b.1958) is an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Finzione II in 1985, and a concerto for cello and double orchestra in 2002. The latter can be heard on YouTube in four parts played by Enrico Dindo. He also wrote Arco for cello concertante and strings in 2006. This may also be heard on YouTube in two parts via the link above, played by Dario Destefano. Castaldo, Joseph (1927-2000) was an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1995. Castañedas del Cid, Fermín (1930-2013) was a Panamanian composer who wrote a Pequena Concierto (Small Concerto) for cello and orchestra in 1984 (see page 97). Castellar, Pablo (b.1976) is a Brazilian composer and cultural producer who wrote a cello concerto that may be heard on YouTube played by Fabio Presgrave. Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895-1968) was an Italian-American composer best known for his guitar works and film music. He wrote a three movement cello concerto for Gregor Piatigorsky who gave the first performance in 1935. Surprisingly, this concerto had to wait until 2016 for a first recording from Raphael Wallfisch on cpo. A year later Brinton Averil Smith recorded it for Naxos. Castérède, Jacques (1926-2014) was a French composer and pianist who wrote a concerto called Trois paysages d'automne for cello and string orchestra with harpsichord in 1982. This has been recorded by Philippe Muller for REM. Castillo, Manuel (1930-2005) was a Spanish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1985 that was recorded by Pedro Corostola for Almaviva. Castro, José María (1892-1964) was an Argentine composer and cellist who wrote a concerto for cello and 17 instruments in 1946 which was premiered by Bernardo Altman in 1949. Castro Herrera, Ricardo (1864-1907) was a Mexican pianist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1895. This has been recorded by Vladimir Sagaydo for Sterling and by Carlos Prieto for Urtext, and the latter may be heard on YouTube. Catala, Gabin (b. c.2007) is a young French composer and percussionist who wrote a cello concerto for the annual Fête de la musique in 2022. This may be heard on YouTube (cellist uncredited). Catherin, Brice (b.1981) is a French composer and cellist who wrote a trilogy of cello concertos followed by a ten minutes coda called Von der Musik. The first from 2010 is for cello and free ensemble, is called Winterreise and may be heard on YouTube played by Ruth Bonuccelli. The second from 2012 is for electric cello, electronics and free ensemble and is called Verklärte Nacht; a substantial extract may be heard on YouTube played by Nicolas Deletaille. In the third concerto called An die Musik (2014), the cellist plays also various other instruments accompanied by a string quartet and free ensemble. This has been recorded by the composer for Drone Sweet Drone. Cech, Christoph (b.1960) is an Austrian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and ensemble called Nachklang - Nachtklang in 2000 which was premiered by Friedrich Kleinhapl. Cercós i Fransí, Josep (1925-1989) was a Catalan composer and pianist who wrote a cello concerto in 1983. Cerha, Friedrich (1926-2023) was an Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1996 that has been recorded by Heinrich Schiff for ECM. He also wrote Phantasiestück in C's Manier for cello and orchestra in 1989 that may be heard via the link above, the cellist being uncredited. Certani, Antonio (1879-1952) was an Italian cellist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra, a piano reduction of which was published in 1932. Cervelló, Jordi (1935-2022) was a Catalan composer who wrote a cello concerto called La sfera d'ametista in 2017 that can be heard on YouTube played by Romain Garioud. Cervetto, Giacobbo (1680-1783) was an Italian-born English cellist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra in G. A 2017 performance at Wigmore Hall by Joseph Crouch was claimed as the modern premiere, and the first movement can be heard on YouTube played by Andrea Cavuoto. Cetiz, Mahir (b.1977) is a Turkish composer based in the United States who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered by Çağ Erçağ in 2024 and may be heard on YouTube. Chagas Rosa, António (b.1960) is a Portuguese composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra called Circumnavigare in 2019. This has been recorded by Filipe Quaresma for Metropolitana and a live performance by him can be heard on YouTube. Chajes, Julius (1910-1985) was an Austro-Hungarian-born American composer and conductor who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra in 1930. This was revived in 2010 to celebrate the composer's centenary. Chalaev, Shirvani (b.1936) is a Dagestani composer who has written two cello concertos. The first dates from 1970 and was recorded on LP by Valentin Feigin for Melodiya. It is likely to be this recording that can be heard on YouTube. The second dates from 1975 and appears to be unrecorded. Chamouard, Philippe (b.1952) is a French composer who wrote a cello concerto called Entre source et nuages in 2010. This can be heard in two parts on YouTube played by Louison Crès. He also wrote Madrigal d'été for cello and string orchestra in 2016. This has been recorded by Antoanina Yurgandzhieva for Indesens and can be heard on YouTube. Chandler, Stephan (b.1947) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered by Janice Foy in 2000. Chandler, Theo (b.1992) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and ensemble in 2016. Chang, Dorothy (b.1970) is an American-born Canadian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Invisible Distance in 2015 that has been recorded by Ariel Barnes for Redshift Records. Chapela, Enrico (b.1974) is a Mexican composer who wrote a concerto for electric cello and orchestra called Magnetar in 2011. This may be heard on YouTube played by Johannes Moser. Chapman, Andrew (b.1945) is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto which was premiered by Emma Denton in 2005. The slow movement may be heard on SoundCloud. Charles, Agustí (b.1960) is a Spanish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1995 that was premiered by Lluís Claret in 1997. Charpentier, Jacques (1933-2017) was a French composer and organist whose ninth concerto is for cello and strings, and dates from 1976. Chávez, Carlos (1899-1978) was a Mexican composer who started writing a cello concerto in 1975 but left it unfinished. A single movement of this has been recorded by Carlos Prieto for Urtext. Chaynes, Charles (1925-2016) was a French composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra called Clair obscur in 2007. Chelleri, Fortunato (1690-1757) was a German-Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1742 which has been recorded by Sol Gabetta for Sony. Chemin-Petit, Hans (1902-1981) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1931. Chen, Musheng (b.1971) is a Chinese composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra designated No.1 and subtitled La Mémoire in 2011. This was premiered by Thomas Demenga in Shanghai in 2013 and the first movement may be heard on YouTube played by Xie Tian. Chen Mao-shuen (b.1936) is a Taiwanese composer and music educator who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered by Christine Hu in 2012. A short excerpt may be heard on YouTube. Chen Qigang (b.1951) is a Chinese-born French composer who wrote a cello concerto called Reflet d'un temps disparu in 1996 that has been recorded by Yo-Yo Ma for Virgin. The work may be heard on YouTube played by Gautier Capuçon and by Mo Mo. In 2011 he arranged the work for cello and Chinese traditional orchestra. He also arranged his work You and Me from 2008 for solo cello and cello ensemble in 2011. A version orchestrated by Jérôme Ducros has been recorded by Gautier Capuçon for Erato and may be heard on YouTube. Chen Shi-Hui (b.1962) is a Taiwanese composer who wrote a multimedia cello concerto called Our Son Is Not Coming Home To Dinner in 2022. Excerpts may be heard on YouTube played by Sophie Shao. She also wrote Silvergrass for cello and chamber orchestra or ensemble in 2016. This has been recorded by Wen-Sinn Yang for New World Records. Chen Yi (b.1953) is a Chinese composer who emigrated to the USA at the time of the cultural revolution. Her 1999 cello concerto subtitled Eleanor's Gift has been recorded by Paul Tobias for Albany. She also wrote Sound of the Five (1998) for cello and string quartet that has been recorded by Adam Esbensen for New World Records; Ballad, Dance and Fantasy for cello and large orchestra (2003); and a Suite (2005) for cello and chamber winds that has been recorded by David Russell for the Boston Modern Orchestra Project. Chernov, Gennady (b.1937) is a Russian composer born in Uzbekistan who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra. This can be heard on YouTube played by Boris Talalay. Chesky, David (b.1956) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto that was recorded in 2012 by Dave Eggar for Chesky Records. This can be heard on YouTube. He also wrote Arbeit macht frei for cello and orchestra, a performance of which by Melody Giron in 2017 may be heard on YouTube. Other works by Chesky for solo cello and various forces include The White Rose, Psalm 4, and Psalm 2. The latter has been recorded by Hans-Joachim Scheitzbach for Chesky Records and may be heard on YouTube. Chevillard, Pierre Alexandre (1811-1877) was a Belgian cellist and composer who wrote two cello concertos. The first is for cello and orchestra, and dates from 1839. The second is for cello and string quartet (or piano) and was published in 1869. He also wrote three other pieces for cello and orchestra: Morceaux développés, Variations sur un thème original and Lento, Adagio et Finale, and an Andante et barcarolle for cello with accompaniment by piano quintet. Chevreuille, Raymond (1901-1976) was a Belgian composer who wrote two cello concertos, No.1 in 1940 and No.2 in 1965. The second can be heard on the Internet Archive played by the dedicatee Edmond Baert. He also arranged his Burlesque for cello and orchestra in 1948. Chiaramello, Giancarlo (b.1939) is an Italian composer who wrote a chamber concerto for cello and instruments in 1962. Chihara, Paul (b.1938) is a Japanese-American composer who wrote Wind Song, a concerto for cello and orchestra in 1971. This has been recorded by Jeffrey Solow for New World. Chin, Gordon (Chin Shi-Wen) (b.1957) is a Taiwanese composer whose 2006 cello concerto designated No.1 has been recorded by Wen-Sinn Yang for Naxos. Literary quotations from Shakespeare, Pascal and Samuel Johnson preface the three movements. He also wrote a Romance for cello and orchestra in 2009 that can be heard on YouTube but the cellist is uncredited. Chin, Unsuk (b.1961) is a South Korean composer based in Germany who wrote her cello concerto in 2013. It has been recorded by Alban Gerhardt for DG. Chlek, Vlad (b.1994) is a Russian composer based in the Netherlands who wrote a cello concerto called Möbius Strip in 2019. The premiere played by Diederik Smulders may be heard on YouTube. Chlubna, Osvald (1893-1971) was a Czech composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1938. Cho, Eun-Hwa (b.1973) is a South Korean composer based in Germany who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered by Benedict Kloeckner in 2018. Chobanian, Loris (1933-2023) was an Iraq-born American-Armenian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1999. He also wrote a Sinfonietta for cello and chamber orchestra in 1989, and Miniatures for cello and orchestra in 2005. Choi, Jaehyuck (b.1994) is a South Korean composer who wrote a sketch for cello and orchestra in 2012 that can be heard on YouTube. On his Wikipedia page this is described as a small cello concerto. Choi, Ji-hye is a South Korean composer who wrote a cello concerto that may be heard on YouTube played by Yeon-sun Joo. Chou Wen-chung (1923-2019) was a Chinese-American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1992. An excerpt may be heard via the link above with the cellist uncredited. Chowne, Steve is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto called The Dark in 2022. This has been recorded by Alice Mirabella for the composer's own label and may be heard on SoundCloud. Chyrzyński, Marcel (b.1971) is a Polish composer who wrote a cello concerto called Ukiyo-e No.3 in 2016. This can be heard on SoundCloud played by Danjulo Ishizaka. Ciandelli, Gaetano was a Neapolitan cellist and composer who had a son of the same name who was born in 1801, became a cellist and pupil of Paganini, and died in 1865. Two cello concertos attributed to this name appear in Italian National Library Catalogue: a basso concerto and one in C major, both dating from 1811 according to information on IMSLP. If you are aware of any information which could help resolve whether these cello concertos were written by the father or son please get in touch with us. Cibulka, Franz (1946-2016) was an Austrian composer who wrote two cello concertos. The first is for cello and winds and it was recorded by Yves Savary in 2007 for Bauer studios in a revised and abridged version called Trailer. The second for cello and orchestra appears to be unrecorded. Cilenšek, Johann (1913-1998) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1952. Cirri, Giovanni (1724-1808) was an Italian cellist and composer who wrote six cello concertos. These have been recorded by Balázs Máté for Hungaroton. Civilotti, Alejandro (b.1959) is an Argentine composer based in Spain who wrote a cello concerto called Auris Concertum in 2001. Civitareale, Walter (b.1954) is a Luxembourgish pianist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1986 that has been recorded by Georges Mallach for LGNM. Clark, Jesse D. wrote a concerto for cello and chamber ensemble called Isms and Lullabies for a Master's degree thesis at Ithaca college, New York in 2008. This was premiered by Devin Patrick Hughes. Clarke, Symon (b.1957) is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2016. Climent, Angel (b.1942) is a Spanish-born Irish composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in A minor in 2000 which was premiered by Gerald Kelly. Clyne, Anna (b.1980) is a British composer who wrote DANCE, a five movement cello concerto inspired by the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi in 2019. This has been recorded by Inbal Segev for Avie and she may be heard playing it on YouTube. She also wrote Shorthand for cello and string orchestra (or string quintet) in 2020. The premiere played by Karen Ouzounian may be heard on YouTube. Cobos, Luis de los (1927-2012) was a Spanish composer based in Switzerland who wrote two cello concertos: No.1 Concierto Español in 1958 and No.2 De la resurrección in 1981. Cohí Grau, Agustín (1921-2012) was a Spanish composer who wrote a concerto for cello and cobla (a traditional music ensemble of Catalonia) in 2001. This has been recorded by Nabí Cabestany for Picap and can be heard on SoundCloud. He also wrote three works for cello and orchestra: Cinc cançons catalanes, Cinc cançons nadalenques and Pregària sense paraules. Colasanti, Silvia (b.1975) is an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2012 which was premiered by David Geringas. She has also written two works for cello and string orchestra: Variazioni sull’inquietudine (2011) and Adagio (2013). Čolić, Dragutin (1907-1987) was a Serbian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1981. Colinet, Paul (b.1954) is a Belgian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1989. Coll, Francisco (b.1985) is a Spanish composer and conductor who wrote a cello concerto in 2022. The work was premiered by Sol Gabetta and she may be heard playing it on YouTube at the 2024 Proms. Connell, Lorne is a British composer and musician who wrote a cello concerto designated No.1 that may be heard on YouTube played by Laura Ritchie in 2024. Connesson, Guillaume (b.1970) is a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2008 that has been recorded by Jérôme Pernoo for DG. Consoli, Marc-Antonio (b.1941) is an Italian-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1988. Constantinides, Dinos (1929-2021) was a Greek-American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1992 subtitled China IV-Shenzhen. This has been recorded by Dennis Parker and Ning Tien, both for Centaur. He also wrote a concerto for two cellos and orchestra. Conte, David (b.1955) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2018 which was premiered by Emil Miland. Conti, Diego (b.1958) is an Italian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 2007 that may be heard on You Tube (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3). He also wrote Luci e ombre a Pusan for cello and orchestra (2011) that has been recorded in a piano reduction by Antonio Mostacci; and four other works for cello and strings: Contro and Finlaalia (both 2007) which have been recorded by the Janáček Chamber Orchestra, Emergency (2009), and Menesk (2018), the latter has been recorded by Antonio Mostacci for Tactus. Conyngham, Barry (b.1944) is an Australian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 1984. Cook, James (b.1963) is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2013. A digitally-created performance can be heard on SoundCloud. Cooke, Arnold (1906-2005) was a British composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1973. Thomas Igloi can be heard playing the premiere on YouTube. Cooman, Carson (b.1982) is an American composer who wrote Epigram, an aphoristic concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 2016. This can be heard on YouTube played by Eugen Prochác. Cooper, Paul (1926-1996) was an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1976. Cope, David (b.1941) is an American composer and author who wrote a cello concerto which he started in 1978 and completed in 2009. It has been recorded for Epoc, possibly by the composer himself. Coral, Leonardo (b.1962) is a Mexican composer who wrote a cello concerto. A short excerpt from the third movement may be heard on YouTube played by Ignacio Mariscal. Corcoran, Frank (b.1944) is an Irish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2014 that has been recorded by Martin Johnson for RTE Lyric. Cordell, Frank (1918-1980) was a British composer who wrote a concerto for cello, strings and percussion. Cordes, Josiah is an American cellist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings. He may be heard playing the first movement on SoundCloud. Cori, Luca (b.1964) is an Italian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 1988. Corp, Ronald (b.1951) is an English composer best known as a conductor for his recordings of light music. In 2014 he wrote a cello concerto that has been recorded by Alice Neary for Dutton Epoch. Cortés, Ramiro Jr. (1933-1984) was an American composer who wrote a chamber concerto for cello and twelve winds in 1958 and revised it in 1978. Coryn, Roland (b.1938) is a Belgian composer who completed a cello concerto in 2006. He also arranged his Twee Stukken (Two Pieces) for cello and small orchestra in 1996. Cosma, Vladimir (b.1940) is a French-Romanian composer, mostly of film music, who wrote a concerto called Oblique for cello and string orchestra in 1969. Costa Lima, Paulo (b.1954) is a Brazilian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1986. Cowie, Edward (b.1943) is an English composer who wrote a concerto for cello, string orchestra and percussion in 1993 and revised it in 2003 for cello and full orchestra. Cresswell, Lyell (1944-2022) was a composer from New Zealand who wrote a cello concerto in 1984 that has been recorded by Roman Jablonski for Continuum. Crețu, Cătălin (b.1971) is a Romanian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Ollecello in 2001. This can be heard on the composer's website played by Laura Buruiană. Crisman, Herbie is an American composer and musician who wrote a cello concerto designated No.1 in 2024 that may be heard on YouTube in a computer-generated performance. Crockett, Donald (b.1951) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1993 that was premiered by Marcy Rosen in the following year. Croisé, Christophe (b.1993) is a Swiss-French-German cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto designated No.1 in 2022. He gave the premiere in that year and it may be heard on YouTube. He has recently recorded the work for Avie. Crosse, Gordon (1937-2021) was an English composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1979 that was recorded by Alexander Baillie for NMC. He also wrote Ceremony for cello and orchestra in 1966, this and may be heard on YouTube played by Denis Vigay. Crowl, Harry Lamott (b.1958) is a Brazilian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and ensemble called Lumen de Lumine in 1997 that may be heard on YouTube. The cellist is uncredited but could be Otto Andersen who gave the premiere. He also wrote a concerto in 12 tableaux for cello, woodwinds, percussion and strings called Da Evolução das Técnicas (From the Evolution of Techniques) in 2023. This was based on Poty Lazzarotto's tiles panel História da Técnica, and may be heard on SoundCloud played by Marcus Ribeiro. Cruixent, Ferran (b.1976) is a Catalan composer and pianist who wrote a cello concerto called Mascarada in 2005. The premiere may be heard via the above link played by Elias Grandy. Cuckson, Robert (b.1942) is a British-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto. Cudmore, Richard (1787-1840) was an English musician and composer who wrote and performed a cello concerto. Cummings, Simon is an English composer and writer who wrote Meditation No.2 for cello and chamber orchestra in 1994 which he incorporated into a cello concerto that remains incomplete. Cupis de Camargo (le jeune), Jean Baptiste (1741-after 1794) was a French cellist (and nephew of François Cupis de Renoussard - see below) who is said to have written two cello concertos (see page 88), one dating from 1783. Cupis de Renoussard, François (1732-1808) was a French cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in D in 1783 which has been recorded by Michel Tournus for Musique en Wallonie. He is also thought to have written two further cello concertos which are missing. The English Wikipedia page linked above also lists a Concerto à grand orchestre pour le violoncelle from 1783. This is his only concerto listed on French Wikipedia and could therefore be the same work. This page taken from German Wikipedia about his violinist brother attributes the Concerto à grand orchestre pour le violoncelle of 1783 to their nephew, Jean Baptiste Cupis de Camargo (le jeune) - see above - but this seems likely to be in error. The information available about this family and the cello concertos they wrote is often conflicting, and we would be grateful for any clarification that readers could provide. Curtoni, Lamberto (b.1987) is an Italian cellist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra in 2015. His recording of the work can be heard on Open Spotify. He also wrote four other works for cello and strings: Butterfly (2014), Notturno, Echi III and Subway IV, the first two of which have also been recorded, and may also be heard on and Open Spotify via the link above. Curtoni also wrote Marco Polo for cello and ensemble in 2013, and various works for solo cello and electronics. Cwojdziński, Andrzej (1928-2022) was a Polish composer who has written three cello concertos: No.1 in 1965, No.2 in 1968 and No.3 in 1993. D'Ase, Dirk (b.1960) is a Belgian-born Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2004 that has been recorded by Friedrich Kleinhapl for ORF. D'Avola, Marco (b.1959) is an Italian composer, organist and pianist who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 1994. This has been recorded by Vasily Smaguloven for Halidon and may be heard on YouTube. Da Vinci, Paul (b.1951) is a British singer and musician who wrote a concerto for cello and solo strings called Hope. The premiere played by Richard Jenkinson in 2002 may be heard on YouTube. Dachez, Christian (b.1951) is a French composer who wrote a cello concerto called Par-délà in 1997. This can be heard on SoundCloud played by Timothé Tosi. He also wrote Exil for cello and orchestra in 2005. Daja, Adrian (b.1964) is an Albanian composer who wrote a cello concerto (see page 76) in 1987. Dalbavie, Marc-André (b.1961) is a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2013 that has been recorded by Jay Campbell for Seattle Symphony Media. Dalla Bella, Domenico (c.1680-c.1740) was an Italian cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1705. Dambois, Maurice (1889-1969) was a Belgian cellist who wrote a cello concerto that he recorded on LP for Decca around 1950. Danielpour, Richard (b.1956) is an American composer who has written two cello concertos, both of which were premiered by Yo-Yo Ma. No.1 dates from 1990 and has been recorded by Yo-Yo Ma for Sony. No.2 from 2001 is subtitled Through the Ancient Valley and appears to be unrecorded. He also wrote A Prayer For Our Time for cello and chamber orchestra in 2013, and it was premiered by Julian Schwarz in the same year. Dankner, Stephen (b.1944) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1991. He also wrote Klezmer Fantasy for cello and orchestra in 2007 and this may be heard on YouTube played by Matt Haimovitz. Danzi, Franz (1763-1826) was a German cellist who wrote three cello concertos. The one in E minor has been recorded by Aurélien Pascal for Sony. He also wrote a concertino for cello and orchestra which was published in 1813 and may be heard on YouTube in a computer generated performance of a version edited version by Kevin Dvorak. Danzi also wrote Variations on Là ci darem la mano from Mozart’s Don Giovanni for cello and orchestra and this has been recorded by Raphael Wallfisch for Nimbus. Danzi, Innocenzo (c.1730-1798) was an Italian cellist (and father of Franz) who wrote a cello concerto in G. Dao, Nguyen Thien (1940-2015) was a Vietnamese-born French composer who wrote a cello concerto called Than Mong in 1982. Darbellay, Jean-Luc (b.1946) is a Swiss composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1989 that has been recorded by Olivier Darbellay for Cascavelle. He also wrote two works for for cello and ensemble: Pranam III (1992) and Pranam IV (1995), and Kantha Bopha for cello and cello ensemble (1999) that was recorded by Siegfried Palm. Dashkevich, Vladimir (b.1934) is a Russian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1973. Daugherty, Michael (b.1954) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra called Tales of Hemingway in 2015. This has been recorded by Zuill Bailey for Naxos. Davey, Shaun (b.1948) is an Irish composer who wrote a cello concerto called Refuge in 2020. The premiere played by Sinéad O'Halloran in 2023 may be heard on YouTube. David, Karl Heinrich (1884-1951) was a Swiss composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1938. David, Thomas Christian (1925-2006) was an Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1982. Davies, Peter Maxwell (1934-2016) was a British composer who became Master of the Queen’s Music in 2004. Between 1986-1996 he wrote a series of ten Strathclyde Concertos for various instruments. No.2 for cello and orchestra dates from 1987, and has been recorded by William Conway for Unicorn-Kanchana and Vittorio Ceccanti for Naxos. He also arranged his Farewell to Stromness for cello and orchestra in 2009 when it was premiered by Julian Lloyd Webber. Davis, Daniel Thomas (b.1981) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 2011 for Lynn Harrell. Davis, John David (1867-1942) was an English pianist and composer who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered by Jacques van Lier in 1921. The Wikipedia entry above cites a reviewer in the Bournemouth Guardian in that year who stated that "In the opinion of many it is superior to Elgar's concerto, but it is more difficult". Davis, Nathan (1937-2018) was an American jazz saxophonist and composer who wrote a cello concerto for Misha Quint. Davis, Oliver (b.1972) is a British composer who wrote a concerto for cello, orchestra and piano called Morpheus that has been recorded by Katherine Jenkinson for Signum. Davison, John (1930-1999) was an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1993. Dayer, Xavier (b.1972) is a Swiss composer who wrote a cello concerto called Ligne d'Est in 2020. This has been premiered and recorded by Estelle Revaz for Solo Musica, and may be heard on YouTube. Davydov, Karl (1838-1889) was a Latvian cellist who wrote four cello concertos: No.1 (1859), No.2 (1863), No.3 (1868), No.4 (1878). No.2 was recorded by Daniil Shafran in 1949 for Doremi. Nos. 1 & 2 were recorded by Marina Tarasova for Olympia now on Alto, and Wen-Sinn Yang has recorded all four for cpo (a review of Nos. 1 & 2 is here). He also wrote a Fantasie from a Russian folk song for cello and orchestra in 1860 that may be heard on YouTube played by Alexander Rudin. De Lillo, Ottavio (1948-2001) was an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered in 2012 by Mauro Gentile who may be heard playing some excerpts from each movement on YouTube. He also wrote a Suite for cello and strings, and the Adagio lirico from this work may be heard on YouTube played by Francesco Montaruli. De Smet, Raoul (b.1936) is a Belgian composer who wrote a Concerto-Rapsodie for cello and string orchestra in 1995 and revised it in 2015. This was premiered by Bruno Ispiola in 2016. De Zarraga Lago, Dubiell (b.1983) is a Cuban-born American pianist and composer who wrote a cello concerto designated No.1 in 2024 that may be heard on YouTube. Dean, Brett (b.1961) is an Australian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2018. This has been recorded Alban Gerhardt for LPO and he can also be heard playing the work on You Tube. Dean, Paul (b.1966) is an Australian composer and clarinettist (and brother of Brett) who wrote a concerto for cello and wind quintet in 2018. The premiere played by Trish Dean (formerly O'Brien) may be heard on YouTube. Dębski, Krzesimir (b.1953) is a Polish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2004. He also wrote Quandtophonie for cello and orchestra in 2009. Decio, Colin (b.1959) is a British-born composer and pianist based in New Zealand who wrote a four movement cello concerto in 2021. He also wrote Tirthankara for cello and orchestra in 1987. Decruck, Fernande (1896-1954) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1932. Nearly a century later it was finally premiered by Jeremy Crosmer in 2023. Decsényi, János (b.1927) is a Hungarian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1984 that was premiered by Csaba Onczay. He also wrote a cello concertino in 1976 that may be heard on YouTube played by Liliána Dominkó. Dedić, Srđan (b.1965) is a Croatian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 1996 and revised it in 2003. The revision has been recorded by Nikola Ružević for Cantus and can be heard on YouTube. Dediu, Dan (b.1967) is a Romanian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2019. This has been recorded by Mircea Marian for Klanglogo, and he may be heard playing it on YouTube. Degen, Helmut (1911-1995) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1942 which was premiered by Hermann von Beckerath in 1947, and a concerto for cello and string orchestra in 1955. He also wrote a concerto for twelve cellos. All these works appear to be unrecorded. Dehnert, Max (1893-1972) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1961. Dejoncker (De Joncker), Théo (1894-1964) was a Belgian composer and conductor who wrote a cello concerto but we have been unable to find out any further information about it on the internet. Delius, Frederick (1862-1934) wrote his cello concerto in 1921. This was recorded by Jacqueline du Pré in 1965 and since by Raphael Wallfisch, both for EMI (now Warner), Julian Lloyd Webber for RCA (now Sony) and Paul Watkins for Chandos. Delius also wrote Caprice and Elegy for cello and chamber orchestra in 1930, and this was recorded by Beatrice Harrison for EMI in that year and since by Julian Lloyd Webber for Philips. Delune, Louis (1876-1940) was a Belgian composer married to cellist Jeanne Fromont who wrote two cello concertos, in 1927 and 1930. He also wrote two other works for cello and orchestra: a Poème (1910) and a Konzertstück (1928), and a work for two cellos and orchestra. Delvaux, Albert (1913-2007) was a Belgian composer and cellist who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 1957 and a concerto for cello and orchestra in 1984. Demuth, Norman (1898-1968) was an English composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1956. He also wrote an Elegiac Rhapsody for cello and small orchestra in 1942. Denéréaz, Alexandre (1875-1947) was a Swiss composer who wrote a cello concerto. Denhoff, Michael (b.1955) is a German composer and cellist who completed a cello concerto in 2011. Denisov, Edison (1929-1996) was a Russian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1972. This has been recorded by Alexandre Zagorinsky for Vista Vera and may be heard on YouTube played by Carine Georgian. He also wrote the Variations on Haydn’s Canon Tod ist ein langer Schlaf for cello and orchestra in 1982. This has been recorded by Peter Bruns for Hänssler. Derksen, Cris (b.1981) is an indigenous Canadian cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered in June 2023. Derungs, Gion Antoni (1935-2012) was a Swiss composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2004 (see page 11). This has been recorded by Luzius Gartmann for the Swiss National Sound Archives and can be heard here. Desenne, Paul (1959-2023) was a Venezuelan cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2002. He also wrote Dragoncello for six cellos and string orchestra. Desjoyeaux, Noël (1861-1947) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto which was published in 1900. Dešpalj, Pavle (1934-2021) was a Croatian composer and conductor who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra in 2001. This has been recorded by Pavle Zajcev for Cantus and may be heard on YouTube played by Kajana Pačko. Dessy, Jean-Paul (b.1963) is a Belgian composer, cellist and conductor who wrote Concerto con cello for cello and strings. The premiere played by Marie Hallynck in 2023 may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote The Present's Presents for cello and nine strings in 2003 that he recorded for Le Chant du Monde, and may be heard on SoundCloud. Deutsch, Alon (b.1985) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2018 that can be found in the Petrucci Music Library. Deutsch, Bernd Richard (b.1977) is an Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2019 that was premiered in early 2020 by Johannes Moser. Deutsch, L Peter (b.1946) is an American software developer and composer who wrote a miniature concerto for cello and orchestra called The Forest Stream. This has been recorded by Ovidiu Marinescu for Navona Records and may be heard on YouTube. Deutschmann, Gerhard (b.1933) is a German composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra. Devaux, Keiko (b.1982) is a Canadian composer who wrote a concerto for baroque five-string cello and string orchestra called Ombra in 2018. This can be heard on SoundCloud performed by Elinor Frey. Devreese, Frédéric (1929-2020) was a Belgian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Canti in 1999 that appears to be unrecorded. He also wrote a concertino for cello, bandoneón and string orchestra in 1998 and it is presumably this work that can be heard on YouTube played by France Springuel. Deyoe, Nicholas (b.1981) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for amplified cello and ensemble called Lullaby 6 "For Duane" in 2016. This has been recorded by Ashley Walters for Populist Records. Diaconoff, Ted (1928-2013) was an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 1985. Diamond, David (1915-2005) was an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1938 which can be heard on YouTube played by Luigi Silva. His Kaddish for cello and orchestra (1987) has been recorded several times, for example by János Starker on Naxos and Jonathan Aasgaard on Avie. Dibák, Igor (1947-2021) was a Slovakian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1983. Diethelm, Caspar (1926-1997) was a Swiss composer who wrote two cello concertos, in 1958 with chamber accompaniment and around 1975 for full orchestra. Dietrich, Albert (1829-1908) was a German composer and conductor, and a friend of Brahms. Around 1876 he wrote a cello concerto which has been recorded by Alban Gerhardt for Hyperion. He also wrote Introduction and Romance, a concertpiece for horn (or cello) and orchestra in 1873. A version for cello and piano has been recorded by Alexander Will for CPO and may be heard on YouTube. Dillard, Donald (b.1940) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra in 2015. A short excerpt may be heard via the link above. Dillon, Henri (1912-1954) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1949. Dimitrescu, Constantin (1847-1928) was a Romanian composer and cellist who wrote three cello concertos. The second of these can be heard via the above link played by Marin Cazacu. Discovolo, Mauro (1909-1989) was an Italian composer and painter who wrote a cello concerto in 1937 and Tre Canti for cello and orchestra in 1952. Dispa, Robert (1929-2003) was a Belgian-born Dutch composer and cellist who wrote a cello concerto in 1982 and arranged it for cello and small orchestra in 1991. Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von (1739-1799) was an Austrian composer who wrote many concertos but only one for the cello. Bohuslav Pavlas recorded it on LP for Supraphon and the first movement maybe heard on YouTube played by Petra Meisl. Dittrich, Paul-Heinz (1930-2020) was a German composer who wrote a concerto for cello, string quartet and orchestra in 1975 that was recorded on LP by Hans-Joachim Scheitzbach for Nova and by Martin Ostertag for RCA - the latter can be heard on YouTube. Scheitzbach's recording of the work is available on CD in a book called Musikalische Dekonstruktion—Neue Instrumentalmusik in der DDR. Divossen, Walter J. (b.1938) is a German composer, writer and publisher who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 1989. Djabadary, Héraclius (1891-1937) was a Georgian-born composer who lived in France from 1914. He wrote two cello concertos: the first is called Souvenir d'Hongrie and was written around 1920, the second was written around 1924. Dmitriev, Georgy (1942-2016) was a Russian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1968 that may be heard on YouTube played by Boris Andrianov. Dobos, Kálmán (1931-2013) was a Hungarian composer who wrote a chamber concerto for cello and ensemble in 1993. Dobrowolny, Miro (b.1959) is a Croatian composer based in Germany who wrote a cello concerto called Quasi un(a)... in 2007 that has been recorded by Jasen Celfi for Kreuzberg Records. Doderer, Johanna (b.1969) is an Austrian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra called Millstätter See which was premiered in 2019. The work was first performed with saxophone quartet accompaniment. Part of a subsequent orchestral performance played by Konstantin Manaev can be heard on YouTube via the above link. Döhl, Friedhelm (1936-2018) was a German composer who wrote a symphony for cello and orchestra subtitled wie im Versuch, wieder Sprache zu gewinnen in 1981. This has been recorded by Heinrich Schiff for Dreyer Gaido and is labelled a concerto on the front of the disc. Dömming, Johann Martin (1703-c.1760) was a German composer and musician who wrote a concerto in G for concertante cello and violetta (a five-stringed bass instrument), 2 transverse flutes, 2 violins and bass continuo (D-Rh Ms 173). He also wrote a concerto in F for violetta which has an obbligato cello part (D-Rh Ms 166). Dopper, Cornelis (1870-1939) was a Dutch composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1910 and revised it in 1923. Anner Bylsma can be heard playing it on YouTube. Doran, Matt (Higgins) (1921-2016) was an American composer and flautist who wrote a cello concerto in 1975. Doráti, Antal (1906-1988) was a Hungarian-born American conductor and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1977 that has been recorded by János Starker for First Edition and Raphael Wallfisch for Nimbus. Dorfman, Joseph (1940-2006) was a Ukrainian-born Israeli composer who wrote a cello concerto. This can be heard on YouTube played by Mark Drobinsky. Dorman, Avner (b.1975) is an Israeli composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2012 that can be heard on YouTube played by Inbal Segev. Dorward, David (1933-2020) was a Scottish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1966 that may be heard on YouTube played by Joan Dickson. Dott, Hans-Peter (b.1952) is a German composer who wrote two cello concertos: No.1 for cello and orchestra called Concertino sinfonico (1987), and No.2 for cello and small orchestra called Trauergesänge I (2007). We found evidence of these works on the website linked above but they are no longer available. In 2011 the second concerto was re-orchestrated as Trauergesänge II and there is evidence of a performance of that version by Tatjana Vassiljeva in 2015 here (see page 59). Dotzauer, Friedrich (1783-1860) was a German cellist who composed nine cello concertos, two of which can be found in the Petrucci Music Library. He also wrote five cello concertinos and several other works for cello and orchestra: Polacca, Variations, Potpourri, Fantaisie, Capriccio, Rondoletto, Andante and Polacca, Three Divertissements and Morceau. He also wrote a Concerto concertant for two cellos and orchestra. Douvin, Franck (b.1964) is a French flautist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra in 2018 which can be heard on SoundCloud. Draganov, Ilia (1913-1977) was a Bulgarian composer and cellist who wrote a cello concerto in 1961. Dragatakis, Dimitris (1914-2001) was a Greek composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1972. Dresher, Paul (b.1951) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and electro-acoustic ensemble called Unequal Distemperament in 2001 and revised it in 2008. Drew, James (1929-2010) was an American composer, playwright and pianist who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 1994. Driessler, Johannes (1921-1998) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1954. Drossin, Julius (1918-2007) was an American cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto which was published around 1979. Drukh, Igor (b.1966) is a Russian composer who wrote a Fantasia-concerto for cello and orchestra called Raising of Lasarus which was published in 2009. Dubois, Pierre-Max (1930-1995) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1958. Dubrovay, László (b.1943) is a Hungarian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2012 which was premiered by István Várdai in 2014. Dubugnon, Richard (b.1968) is a Swiss composer who wrote a concerto for cello and wind band in 2015, and arranged it for cello and orchestra the following year. The former has been recorded by Yan Levionnois for La Huit. The latter can be heard on YouTube played by Boris Andrianov. A documentary film called Ce qu'il faut de silences (How much silence is needed) by Thierry Augé and Françoise Pillet chronicles the creation process of the original work and there is a trailer for it on YouTube. Duchaň, Jan (1927-2011) was a Czech composer who wrote a cello concerto which can be heard on YouTube played by Michaela Fukačová. Apart from that provided in the link above, very little information about this composer is available on internet. Duddell, Joe (b.1972) is a British composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra called Shadowplay which was premiered in 2003 by Thomas Carroll. This can be heard on YouTube, with the performer uncredited and it being erroneously labelled as a percussion concerto. Duke, Vernon (Dukelsky, Vladimir) (1903-1969) was a Russian-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1945 that has been recorded by Sam Magill for Naxos. Dumitrescu, Gheorghe (1914-1996) was a Romanian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1947 that may be heard on YouTube played by Marcel Spinèi. Dupont, Jacques (aka Jacque-Dupont) (1906-1985) was a French composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra called Navarrianas in 1943. This has been recorded by André Navarra for Polymnie and may be heard on YouTube. Duport, Jean-Louis (1749-1819) was a French cellist who wrote six cello concertos. Nos. 1, 4 and 5 have been recorded for Mirare by Raphaël Pidoux. Peter Hörr has recorded Nos.4-6 for MDG and these may be heard on YouTube (No.4; No.5; No.6). The second and fifth have been recorded by Frédéric Lodéon for Erato and these may also be heard on YouTube. Duport, Jean-Pierre (1741-1818) was a French cellist and composer, and brother of Jean-Louis. He wrote a cello concerto in E minor. Dupuis, Albert (1877-1967) was a Belgian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1926. He also wrote Poème oriental for cello and orchestra in 1924. Durdağ, Armağan (b.1981) is a Turkish composer who wrote a cello concerto called Roxana in 2013. This has been recorded by Rahşan Apay for Lila Müzik and may be heard on YouTube. Durkó, Péter (b.1972) is a Hungarian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2000. Dusapin, Pascal (b.1955) is a French composer who has written two cello concertos. No.1 dates from 1996, is subtitled Celo [sic] and has been recorded by Sonia Wieder-Atherton for Montaigne. No.2 is called Outscape, dates from 2016, and was written for Alisa Weilerstein who can be heard playing it on YouTube. Dutilleux, Henri (1916-2013) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1970 called Tout un monde lointain for Mstislav Rostropovich who recorded it for EMI in 1974. It has since been recorded many times, including by Marc Coppey for Aeon, Christian Poltéra for BIS, Anssi Karttunen for DG and Johannes Moser for Pentatone. Dvořák, Antonín (1841-1904) wrote two cello concertos, the first in 1865 in A major with piano accompaniment for Ludevít Peer. He never orchestrated or published the work but it has been orchestrated by Günter Raphael and Jarmil Burghauser. Steven Isserlis plays the former version in his Hyperion disc which couples the two Dvořák concertos. Several other recordings of the early concerto have been made. Ramon Jaffé uses the Burghauser version on his cpo disc. The second concerto in B minor dates from 1895 and is possibly the most recorded cello concerto of all. MusicWeb International has a review index with links to all the reviews on the site. Almost all the great cellists of the recording era are there. Dvořák also composed two fairly short pieces for cello and orchestra - Silent Woods (1884) and Rondo in G minor (1893). These have also been recorded frequently, often alongside the B minor concerto. Alternatively they are both performed by Dmitry Yablonsky alongside his less well-known orchestral works on a Naxos disc. Dvořák's sonatina for violin and piano Op.100 has been arranged by Wolfgang Renz into a concertino for cello and ensemble. This may be heard on YouTube played by Valentin Radutiu. Dzegelenok, Alexander (1891-1969) was a Russian composer who wrote two cello concertos, in 1929 and 1936. Dzenītis, Andris (b.1978) is a Latvian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1996. Dziadek, Andrzej (b.1957) is a Polish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2014 that has been recorded by Adam Krzeszowiec for Dux. Earl, David (b.1951) is a South African composer based in England who wrote a cello concerto in 1994. This can be heard on YouTube played by Alexander Chaushian. Earnest, David Alan (b.1960) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2002 that can be heard on YouTube played by Samuel Smith. Ebenhöh, Horst (1930-2022) was an Austrian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and small orchestra in 1985. This has been recorded by Ricardo Bru for ORF and can be heard on YouTube. He also wrote a concerto for two cellos and orchestra. Eckart Luthy, Edmundo (b.1935) is a Spanish composer of German descent who wrote a cello concerto in 1998. Eckerberg, Sixten (1909-1991) was a Swedish conductor and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1973. Eckert,Karl (1820-1879) was as German composer who wrote a cello concerto first performed around 1869. Eckfeld, William (b.1951) is an American orchestra director, double bassist and composer who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered in 2015 and may be heard on YouTube played by Bernard Tamosaitis. He also wrote a concertino for cello and orchestra that was premiered by Bernard Tamosaitis in 2013. Eckl, Jason (b.1979) is an American guitarist and composer who wrote Blues Cello Concerto and Klezmer Heritage Concerto for cello and orchestra. Both works may be heard via the above links to YouTube, played by Rebecca Roudman. Eder, Helmut (1916-2005) was an Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto called ...wo die Trompete das Thema beginnt! in 1981. He also wrote Schwanengesang for cello and chamber orchestra in 1987 (see page 15). Eder, Karl Kaspar (1751-after 1802) was a German composer and cellist who wrote fourteen cello concertos. Edlin, Paul Max (b.1963) is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto called Don in 2006 that can be heard on SoundCloud played by Gabriella Swallow. Eespere, René (b.1953) is an Estonian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra called Concertatus Celatus in 2004 that has been recorded by Marius Järvi for Antes. Egge, Klaus (1906-1979) was a Norwegian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1966. It was recorded live by Erling Blöndal Bengtsson in 1967 for Danacord, and has since been recorded by Laszlo Varga for Aurora. Ehrenberg, Carl (1878-1962) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1958. Eichberg, Søren Nils (b.1973) is a German-Danish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2006. He also wrote a concerto for two cellos and orchestra. Eichner, Ernst (1740-1777) was a German composer and bassoonist who wrote a cello concerto in 1775 that seems to be lost. Einfeldt, Dieter (b.1935) is a German composer who wrote a concerto for cello and eleven strings. Eisenfeldt, Philip (b.1994) is a German-born composer, mainly of music for films, games and television who wrote a cello concerto in B flat designated No.1 that may be heard on YouTube with the cellist being uncredited. Ekström, Lars (1956-2015) was a Swedish composer who wrote a cello concerto called A fantasy over a bounded string in 1998. El-Dabh, Halim (1921-2017) was an Egyptian-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto called The Invisible Bridge that was premiered by Karen Patterson in 2007. El-Masri, Abdalla (b.1962) is a Lebanese-Russian composer based in Kuwait who wrote a cello concerto in 2012. This can be heard on YouTube in two parts played by Avetis Gyogchyan. Elfman, Danny (b.1953) is an American composer, mainly of film music who wrote a cello concerto in 2022 which was premiered by Gautier Capuçon in the same year. Elgar, Edward (1865-1934) wrote his cello concerto in 1919. The first recording was made by Beatrice Harrison conducted by the composer in 1928, a version which has been issued several times, most recently on Somm. There is a review index for the work on MusicWeb International and, as for Dvořák, the list of cellists who have recorded this work is stellar. Possibly the most famous recording was made by Jacqueline du Pré in 1965 conducted by Sir John Barbirolli. Elgar also wrote a Romance for bassoon or cello and orchestra in 1910 that was recorded on LP by Julian Lloyd Webber for EMI who may be heard playing the work on YouTube. Elias, Brian (b.1948) is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2015. The premiere at the Proms in 2017 played by Leonard Elschenbroich may be heard on YouTube. Elías, Manuel Jorge de (b.1939) is a Mexican composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1990. Eliopoulos, Anastasios is a Greek composer who wrote three cello concertos: No.1 (2023), No.2 (2023) and No.3 (2024). All may be heard on YouTube in computer-generated performances via the links above. Elisha, Adrienne (1958-2017) was an American composer and violist who wrote a cello concerto called Cry of the Dove in 2000. The premiere played by her brother Steven Elisha can be heard on YouTube. Elkies, Noam David (b.1966) is an American professor of mathematics, pianist, and composer of chess problems and music who wrote a cello concerto for Bion Tsang, an excerpt of which may be heard here. He also wrote a Scherzo for cello and orchestra in 2000 and both works were premiered by Tsang. Ellis, David (1933-2023) was an English composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1978 which he revised in 2004. He also produced a performing edition of Malcolm Arnold’s cello concerto. Ellison, Michael (b.1969) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and Turkish instruments called Turkish Concerto K.219 in 2008. This was premiered by Gemma Rosefield and is presumably inspired by Mozart's 5th violin concerto. Emborg, Jens Laursøn (1876-1957) was a Danish organist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1949. Emmert, František (1940-2015) was a Czech composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1970. Emszt, András (b.1989) is a Hungarian composer who wrote a cello concerto, the premiere of which in 2012 can be heard on YouTube played by Bendegúz Kovács. Engel, Paul (b.1949) is an Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1987. Engelmann, Hans Ulrich (1921-2011) was a German composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 1948. Englund, Einar (1916-1999) was a Finnish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1954 that has been recorded by Jan-Erik Gustafsson for Ondine. Engström, Torbjörn (b.1963) is a Swedish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1993. He also wrote a concertino for cello and string orchestra in 1992. Enríquez, Manuel (1926-1994) was a Mexican composer and violinist who wrote a cello concerto in 1985. He also wrote a Poema for cello and orchestra in 1966 that may be heard on YouTube played by Vitali Roumanov. Enríquez Morán, Gina (b.1954) is a Mexican composer and conductor who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 1990. Two performances of a work labelled by the composer as a concertino for cello and chamber orchestra can be heard on her YouTube channel. These were given in 2018 by Jan Zalud and 2019 by Mónica del Águila. Information published about the latter performance calls it a "cello concerto", suggesting it could be the same work. A digital recording of the "concertino" is available on Amazon but the cellist is uncredited. Eötvös, Péter (1944-2024) was a Hungarian composer and conductor who wrote a cello concerto grosso in 2011 that has been recorded by Jean-Guihen Queyras for Alpha. Erb, Donald (1927-2008) was an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1975 that has been recorded by Lynn Harrell for New World Records. This can be heard on YouTube. Erdmann, Dietrich (1917-2009) was a German composer who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra in 1985 that has been recorded by Wolfgang Boettcher for Thorofon. Erkoreka, Gabriel (b.1969) is a Spanish composer who wrote a cello concerto called Ekaitza (Tempest) in 2012. This has been recorded by Asier Polo for Ondine and he may be heard playing the work on YouTube. Erőd, Iván (1936-2019) was a Hungarian-Austrian composer and pianist who wrote a cello concerto in 2005. Escaich, Thierry (b.1965) is a French composer and organist who wrote two cello concertos. The first dates from 2014 and was premiered by Emmanuelle Bertrand. The second is called Les Chants de l'aube, dates from 2023 and was premiered by Gautier Capuçon. Escalante Macaya, Carlos (b.1968) is a Spanish-born Costa Rican composer who wrote a cello concerto. Movements 1 and 2 may be heard played by Alvaro González on SoundCloud, and the cadenza may be heard on YouTube in a performance from 2015. Escudero, Francisco (1912-2002) was a Basque composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1971. This has been recorded by Asier Polo for Claves and may be heard on YouTube. Eshpai, Andrei (1925-2015) was a Russian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1989 for Mstislav Rostropovich. Estévez Diaz, Francisco (b.1945) is a Spanish composer who wrote a cello concerto called La eternidad del instante in 2021. This can be heard on YouTube (cellist uncredited). Etler, Alvin (1913-1973) was an American composer and oboist who wrote a concerto for cello and seven instruments in 1970. Evangelisti, Franco (1926-1980) was an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1953. Evett, Robert (1922-1975) was an American composer who wrote two cello concertos, in 1954 and 1971. The second has been recorded by Luis Leguia for Albany. Ewert, Maximilian (b.1974) is a German violinist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1992. Fábregas, Elisenda (b.1955) is a Spanish-American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2010. Facius, Johann Heinrich (1760-1806) was a German composer who wrote three cello concertos. Fagerlund, Sebastian (b.1972) is a Finnish composer who wrote a cello concerto called Nomade in 2018 which has been recorded by Nicolas Altstaedt for BIS. He also wrote Stone on Stone for amplified cello and ensemble in 2012 and Silent Words for cello and string orchestra in 2013. The latter may be heard on YouTube played by Markus Hallikainen. Fairouz, Mohammed (b.1985) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto called Desert Sorrows in 2015 for Maya Beiser. An excerpt from a 2016 performance by her may be heard on YouTube. Fajngold, G.J. (Grzegorz Jerzy) is a Polish musician (electro-punk) and composer who wrote a cello concerto that may be heard on YouTube in a computer generated performance. Falcón, Alejandro (b.1981) is a Cuban pianist and composer who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered by Nikolay Shugaev in 2024 and may be heard on YouTube. Falik,Yuri (1936-2009) was a Soviet cellist, conductor and composer who wrote his Concerto della passione for cello and orchestra in 1988. It has been recorded by Natalia Gutman for Northern Flowers. Falugi, Antonio was an 18th century composer, probably Italian, for whom little information appears to be available on the internet. His cello concerto in D major is listed in Répertoire International des Sources Musicales. Fan Tiangu (b.1992) is a Chinese cellist and composer who wrote a short cello concerto called Gone Far Away that may be heard played by him on a YouTube video posted in 2024. Fang Dongqing (b.1981) is a Chinese composer who has written four cello concertos: Inscription of the Hero in 2009, Wing of Love in 2010, Dedicated to the Sea in 2017 and Mission in 2018. Farago, Marcel (1924-2016) was a Romanian-American cellist, violinist and composer who wrote a cello concerto. He also wrote a Phantasie de concert and a Rhapsody for cello and orchestra. Farber, Sharon (b.1965) is an Israeli composer based in the USA who wrote a concerto for cello, orchestra and narrator called Bestemming. This is based on the story of Curt Lowens, a hero of the Dutch Resistance in the Second World War. The premiere was given in 2014 with Lowens narrating and Ruslan Buryikov as the soloist. Farberman, Harold (1929-2018) was an American composer and conductor who wrote a Millenium concerto for cello and orchestra in 2000. This has been recorded by Eugene Moye for the American Symphony Orchestra's label and may be heard on YouTube. Faria, Nelson (b.1963) is a Brazilian guitarist and composer whose Concerto Brasileiro for cello and orchestra was premiered in 2013 by Gustavo Tavares. He may be heard playing the work in 2018 on YouTube. Fariñas, Carlos (1934-2002) was a Cuban composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1996. Farkas, Ferenc (1905-2000) was a Hungarian composer who wrote Trittico concertato, a concerto for cello and string orchestra, in 1964. This was premiered by Gaspar Cassadò the following year. He also wrote Concertino all'antica for the same forces and both works have been recorded by Miklós Perényi for Toccata Classics. Farr, Gareth (b.1968) is a New Zealand composer who wrote a cello concerto called Chemin des Dames in 2017 in memory of combatants in the First World War. This has been recorded by Sébastian Hurtaud for Rubicon and he can also be heard playing it on YouTube. Faye-Jozin, Hélène-Frédérique de (1871-1942) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1931. Fazzi, Christopher is an American conductor and composer who wrote a cello concerto which was premiered by Ronald Royer in 1989. Fedele, Ivan (b.1953) is an Italian composer who wrote two cello concertos. The first dates from 1996 and has been recorded by Jean-Guihen Queyras for Stradivarius. Est!, concerto No.2 for cello and small orchestra dates from 2005 and may be heard on YouTube. Fedele also wrote Imaginary Depth for cello and chamber orchestra (1997) which can be heard on YouTube and TOTL (Tags On a Time Line) for cello and string orchestra in 2021, the premiere of which may be heard on YouTube. The soloist in all the YouTube videos linked above is Michele Marco Rossi. Fedele also wrote a work for two cellos and orchestra. Fekete, Gyula (b.1962) is a Hungarian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2017. Feld, Jindřich (1925-2007) was a Czech composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1958. This has been recorded by Guy Fallot for VDE-Gallo and may be heard on YouTube played by Michal Kaňka. Feldbusch, Eric (1922-2007) was a Belgian cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1988 that was premiered by Edmond Baert. He also adapted the Concerto Militaire by François Servais for cello and strings or small orchestra, and wrote a work for three cellos and string orchestra. Feldman, Emmanuel (b.1965) is an American cellist and composer who wrote a cello concerto called Standing Tall that he premiered in 2022. This can be heard on YouTube. Felice, Arnaldo de (b.1965) is an Italian oboist and composer who wrote a cello concerto that was premiered by Yves Savary in 2014. Felix, Václav (1928-2008) was a Czechcomposer who wrote a cello concerto in 1990. Fellner, Hans (1891-1965) was an Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1944. Fennimore, Joseph (b.1940) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1974 and also made a version of his Tenor Concerto (which was originally for trombone and orchestra) for cello and orchestra in 2004. Fenzi, Victor (1763-1827) was an Italian composer and cellist who wrote four cello concertos. Fernández Vázquez, Horacio (b.1996) is a Mexican pianist, composer and filmmaker who wrote Cumbia Concerto for cello and orchestra in 2021. This can be heard on YouTube played by Zlatomir Fung. Fernström, John (1897-1961) was a Swedish conductor and composer born in China who wrote a cello concerto in 1940. He also arranged his Chaconne for cello and orchestra in 1937. Ferrante, Andrea (b.1968) is an Italian composer who wrote Blu cello concerto for cello and orchestra, and Concerto giocoso for cello and strings, both for Luca Fiorentini in 2014. Ferreira, Aleh (Alexandre) (b.1966) is a Brazilian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2018 that can be heard on YouTube played by Carlos Linares. He also wrote a brief Adagio e allegro for cello and string orchestra in 1997 which seems to be labelled as a concerto on the composer's website and can be heard on YouTube with the cellist uncredited. Ferritto, John (1937-2010) was an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1979. Fetherolf, David (b.1956) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1993. This has been recorded by Jing Jiang for Vienna Modern Masters and may be heard on YouTube (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3). Feutrie, Anna (b.2007) is a French-born cellist and composer based in Russia who wrote a concerto for cello and chamber orchestra that she may be heard playing on YouTube in 2023. Fiala, Josef (1748-1816) was a Bohemian composer of two cello concertos, in G and D. Both have been recorded by Orfeo Mandozzi for Eurynome. His concerto in G has also been recorded by Karel Fiala for Gramofonové Závody, and this can be heard on YouTube. Ficarelli, Mário (1935-2014) was a Brazilian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and string orchestra in 1986. Ficher, Jacobo (1896-1978) was an Argentine composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1974. Fick, Peter Joachim (Johann) (1708-1743) was a German organist and composer who wrote at least one cello concerto. Figedy-Fichtner, Sándor (1878-1946) was a Hungarian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1912. Hungarian Wikipedia appears to be the only source of information about the work and gives it as "gordonkaverseny" but this has been incorrectly translated in the link above. Filidei, Francesco (b.1973) is an Italian organist and composer who wrote a cello concerto called I giardini di Vilnius that was premiered by Sonia Wieder-Atherton in 2023 and may be heard on SoundCloud. He also wrote Ogni Gesto d'Amore for cello and orchestra in 2009. This may be heard on YouTube played by Francesco Dillon who gave the premiere in 2010. Filleul, Henry (1877-1959) was a French composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1922. Fils, (aka Johann Anton Filtz) (1733-1760) was a prolific German composer who wrote seven cello concertos (see pages 32-33). Three of these, in B flat, F and G can be found in the Petrucci Music Library. There is also a cello concerto in C in the German National Library that has been arranged by Wolfgang Hofmann. The concerto in G has been recorded by Thomas Demenga for Deutsche Grammophon and may be heard on YouTube. An arrangement of this work for cello and mandolin orchestra by Marga Wilden-Hüsgen may also be found in the German National Library. The concerto in B flat has been edited and revised by Kevin Dvorak, and may be heard on YouTube in a computer-generated recording. Finckel, Michael (b.1945) is an American cellist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra. Fine, Michael (b.1950) is an American recording producer and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra in 2016. He also wrote a concerto for two cellos. Fine, Vivian (1913-2000) was an American composer who wrote a chamber concerto for cello and six instruments in 1966. Finko, David (1936-2021) was a Russian-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2001. Finsterer, Mary (b.1962) is an Australian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Ascension and descend in 2001 which was premiered by David Pereira. Finzi, Gerald (1901-1956) was a British composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1955. This has been recorded by Yo-Yo Ma for Lyrita, Tim Hugh for Naxos, and Raphael Wallfisch and Paul Watkins for Chandos. Fiorenza, Nicola (or Nicolò) (c.1700/1710-1764) was a Neapolitan violinist who wrote four or five cello concertos, all of which have been recorded. The concerto in B flat of 1728 has been recorded by Giovanni Sollima for Glossa. Both the D major concertos have been recorded by Marco Testori for Fuga Libera. Fiorenza's concertos in F and A minor have been recorded by Gaetano Nasillo for Zig-Zag Territoires (also on Arcana). The A minor work has also been attributed to Nicola Porpora (see link to recent essay in the Porpora entry). Fiorini, Karl (b.1979) is a Maltese composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2005. Though the personal website of the composer https://karlfiorini.com/catalogue-of-works.html which included the work is no longer available, mention of the cello concerto can be found here. Firsova, Elena (b.1950) is a Russian composer who wrote four cello concertos which as yet are unrecorded: No.1 (1973), No.2 (chamber concerto No.2, 1982), No.3 (chamber concerto No.5, 1996), No.4 (concerto-elegy 2008). The premieres of the first and fourth by Anatole Liebermann may be heard on YouTube (first: Part 1; Part 2; fourth), and the latter was reviewed on Seen and Heard. The third may also be heard on YouTube (Part 1; Part 2) played by Karine Georgian. Firšt, Nenad (b.1964) is a Slovenian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1994 that has been recorded by Andrej Petrač for Ars Slovenica. Fischer-Dieskau, Manuel (b.1963) is a German cellist and composer (son of the singer Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and the cellist Irmgard Poppen) who wrote a concerto for cello, timpani and strings. The premiere played by him in 2024 may be heard on YouTube. He also wrote Aeolian Seagulls for cello and jazz ensemble that may also be heard played by him on YouTube. Fitelberg,Jerzy (1903-1951) was a Polish-American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1931. Fitkin, Graham (b.1963) is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2011. The premiere by Yo-Yo Ma at the Proms that year may be heard on YouTube. Fitzenhagen, Wilhelm (1848-1890) was a German cellist best known as the dedicatee of Tchaikovsky’s Rococo Variations. He wrote four cello concertos. The first from 1870 and second from 1871 have been recorded by Alban Gerhardt for Hyperion, and the second has been recorded by Jens Peter Maintz for Oehms. The third and fourth are included in this list of his works in the Petrucci Music Library and appear to be unrecorded. Gerhardt’s disc also includes two other works for cello and orchestra: Ballade and Resignation. Flaherty, Thomas (b.1950) is an American cellist and composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra in 2019. A version played by Robert deMaine with piano accompaniment can be heard on YouTube via the above link. Flammer, Ernst Helmuth (b.1949) is a German composer who wrote a concerto called Interferenza mente sovraposizioni for cello, electronics and orchestra in 1990 that has been recorded by Werner F. Selge for Neos. He also wrote a Capriccio for cello and large orchestra in 1990 that has been recorded by Tilmann Wick for Neos and may be heard on YouTube. Flem, Kjell (b.1943) is a Norwegian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2005 which was premiered by Torun Stavseng in 2016. Fleta Polo, Francisco (b.1931) is a Spanish composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings. Florczak, Lukas (b.1994) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2019 that can be found in the Petrucci Music Library. Florentz, Jean-Louis (1947-2004) was a French composer who completed a cello concerto called Le Songe de Lluc Alcari in 1994. This has been recorded by Yvan Chiffoleau for MFA and may be heard on YouTube. Flössner, Franz (1899-1972) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto that was recorded by Helmut Reimann for Melisma in the 1950s and has been reissued on CD. Flügelman, Máximo (b.1945) is an Argentinian composer and financier who wrote a cello concerto which was premiered by Gary Hoffman in 2005. An earlier version consisting of a single movement Rhapsody for cello and orchestra was premiered by Boris Pergamenschikow. The complete work can be heard on SoundCloud via above link to the composer’s website although it is not made clear whether Hoffman is the cellist or Inbal Segev who gave the US premiere in 2012. Flury, Urs Joseph (b.1941) is a Swiss violinist and composer (and son of the composer Richard Flury) who wrote a cello concerto in 1977 that was recorded on LP by Pierre Fournier for Pan and has been subsequently issued on CD by Musiques Suisses. Foccroulle, Bernard (b.1953) is a Belgian organist, composer and conductor who wrote a cello concerto called Climbing-Dancing. The premiere by Sébastien Walnier from 2019 can be heard on SoundCloud. Focks, Annette (b.1964) is a German composer, mainly of film music, who wrote a cello concerto called A musical letter without words in 2008. Foerster, Josef Bohuslav (1859-1951) was a Bohemian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1930 which has been recorded by Jirí Bárta for Supraphon. Fongaard, Bjørn (1919-1980) was a prolific Norwegian composer and guitarist who wrote three cello concertos in 1977. He also wrote a concerto for cello and tape in 1976 and this can be heard on SoundCloud played by Zoë Martlew. Fontanelli, Simone (b.1961) is an Italian composer who wrote two concertos for cello and string orchestra: In segreta solitudine (2013) and Tagebuch eines fahrenden Tänzers (2017). The former can be heard on YouTube played by Enrico Bronzi. Fontanesi, David (b.1969) is an Italian composer who wrote Concerto Arcadico for cello and orchestra in 2017. This has been recorded by Francesco Stefanelli for Da Vinci Classics. Fontenla, Jorge (1927-2016) was an Argentine composer who wrote a cello concerto. He also wrote Lamento for cello and chamber orchestra in 1980. Fontyn, Jacqueline (b.1930) is a Belgian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Colinda in 1991 which has been recorded by Jan-Filip Tupa for Cybele. She also wrote Digressions for cello and chamber orchestra in 1962. Foote, Arthur (1853-1937) was an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1893 which was premiered by Bruno Steindel. Douglas Moore recorded it on LP for the Musical Heritage Society and this can be heard on YouTube. The work has recently been performed by Julian Schwarz who plans to publish a new edition and make a recording of the work, and has posted excerpts of the solo part on YouTube. Another recent performance by Ruslan Biryukov may also be heard complete on YouTube. Ford, Andrew (b.1957) is an English-born Australian composer who wrote a cello concerto called The Great Memory in 1994. Forino, Luigi (1868-1936) was an Italian-Argentine cellist and composer who wrote two concertos for cello and orchestra. The second is known as the Concerto romantico. Forlivesi, Carlo (b.1971) is an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto subtitled Lauda in 2007 for Anssi Karttunen. Forst, Rudolf (1900-1973) was an American composer and artist who wrote a cello concerto. Forsyth, Malcolm (1936-2011) was a South African-born Canadian trombonist and composer who wrote a cello concerto called Electra Rising in 1995. This has been recorded by his daughter Amanda Forsyth (for whom it was written) on CBC, and she may be heard playing it on YouTube. Fortner,Wolfgang (1907-1987) was a German composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1951 that can be heard on YouTube played by Siegfried Palm. He also wrote Zyklus for cello and chamber orchestra without strings in 1970, and a version of this for cello and piano has been recorded by Sebastian Hess for Wergo. Foss,Lukas (1922-2009) was a German-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1966 that was recorded by Mstislav Rostropovich for Doremi the following year during his Carnegie Hall marathon. He also wrote Orpheus for cello (or viola or violin) and small orchestra (1972), and Capriccio for cello and small orchestra (1999). Fougstedt, Nils-Eric (1910-1961) was a Finnish composer and conductor who wrote a cello concerto in 1942. Foulds, John (1880-1939) was an English composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1909 that has been recorded by Raphael Wallfisch for Dutton Epoch. There are also two surviving movements from an earlier projected concerto dating from 1906 which were published as Lento e scherzetto for cello and orchestra. They have been recorded by Benjamin Hughes for Dutton Epoch. Fountain, Primous (b.1949) is an American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1976 which was commissioned by the Minnesota Orchestra. The second movement can be heard here played by Anthony Elliott. An article published in 2014 in the San Francisco Classical Voice suggests that this may be part of a complete recording but we have been unable to find evidence of its availability. Fourchotte, Alain (b.1943) is a French composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings in 1994. Fradiani, Paolo (b.1984) is an Italian composer who wrote a concerto for cello and strings (or chamber orchestra or orchestra) dedicated to the innocent victims of all wars in 2024. This was premiered by Giuliano de Angelis who may be heard playing the work on YouTube. Frances-Hoad, Cheryl (b.1980) is a British composer who wrote two cello concertos. The first from 2013 called Katharsis is for cello and ensemble. This has been recorded by David Cohen for Champs Hill. The second is called Earth, Sea, Air, dates from 2022, and has been recorded by Laura van der Heijden for Chandos. She may also heard playing the premiere on YouTube. Frances-Hoad also wrote a concertino for cello and orchestra that was premiered in 1996. Franceschini, Matteo (b.1979) is an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Voce in 2013. This can be heard on SoundCloud played by Xavier Phillips. He also wrote A long time ago for cello and ensemble in 2009. This has been recorded by Reljo Lukic for Stradivarius and may be heard on YouTube. Francesconi, Luca (b.1956) is an Italian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Rest in 2004 that has been recorded by Enrico Dindo (live) and Anssi Karttunen, both for Stradivarius. His second concerto called Das Ding singt dates from 2017, and the premiere can be heard on YouTube played by Jay Campbell. He has also written Unexpected End of Formula for cello, ensemble and electronics in 2008, and this has been recorded by Dirk Wietheger for Wergo. Franchomme, Auguste (1808-1884) was a French cellist who composed a cello concerto in 1846. A MIDI file of this work can be heard on YouTube with piano roll accompaniment. He also wrote several other works for cello and orchestra, three of which have been recorded by Anner Bylsma for Sony: Air auvergnat varié (1842), Air russe varié (1845) and the concertpiece Grande Valse (1852). The unrecorded works are: Thème original varié (1835), Variations on a romance by Montfort (1838), Adagio et Bolero (1841), Fantaisies on themes of Onslow's quintets (1842), Adagio (1843), Fantaisie on themes of Rossini's Semiramide (1844), and Fantaisie on a theme by Handel (1857). Franco, Johan (1908-1988) was a Dutch-born American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra in 1962 that is the second work in a Concerto lirico series. He also wrote a Fantasy for cello and orchestra in 1951, and that has been recorded by Samuel Brill for CRI. Franco-Mendès, Jacques (1816-1889) was a Dutch cellist who presumably wrote three cello concertos. No.1 in D was performed by Christophe Coin in 2012 and, given the dedication, is probably the manuscript available here. We can find no information about the second. His Grand cello concerto No.3 dating from around 1879 can be found in the Petrucci Music Library. He also wrote various Fantaisies for cello and orchestra on themes by other composers: I Puritani by Bellini (1839), Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti (1841), and La Donna del Lago by Rossini (1843). Frandsen, John (b.1956) is a Danish conductor and composer who wrote a cello concerto called Hymn to the Ice Queen in 1998. This has been recorded by Svend Winsløv for Dacapo who can be heard playing the work via the first link above. Franke-Blom, Lars-Åke (b.1941) is a Swedish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1978. A private recording exists of the premiere which was given by Miroslav Jovic the following year. Franzson, Davíð Brynjar (b.1978) is an Icelandic composer based in the United States who wrote a cello concerto called on Matter and Materiality. The premiere played by Séverine Ballon in 2014 may be heard on YouTube or via the first link above. Fredriksson, Lennart (b.1952) is a Swedish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2006 that was premiered by Juliane von Hahn in 2008. Freed, Isadore (1900-1960) was a Belarusian-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1952. Freidlin, Jan (b.1944) is a Russian-born composer now based in Israel. In 1994 he wrote a concerto for cello, string orchestra and vibraphone. It was dedicated to Micha Haran who can be heard playing it on YouTube (there are three separate videos – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3). Freisitzer, Roland (b.1973) is an Austrian composer and conductor who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra in 1999. Frerichs, Rembrandt (b.1977) is a Dutch composer and jazz pianist who wrote a concerto for cello, percussion and strings in 2022. The first movement may be heard on SoundCloud with the cellist uncredited. He also made a version for cello, free soloist, percussion and strings in the same year. The second movement of this may be heard on SoundCloud with the free solo part played on the kamancheh (an Iranian bowed string instrument). Freund, Don (b.1947) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello, percussion and orchestra in 1979. This can be heard on SoundCloud but the cellist is uncredited. Friar, Sean (b.1985) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello and wind ensemble called Dynamics in 2017. This can be heard on YouTube played by Michael Kaufman. Fribbins, Peter (b.1969) is a British composer who wrote a cello concerto in 2019 which was premiered by Sebastian Comberti. Fribec, Krešimir (1908-1996) was a Croatian composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1971. Friedlander, Ernst (1906-1966) was an Austrian-born Canadian composer and cellist who wrote a cello concerto in 1959. Friemann, Witold (1889-1977) was a Polish composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1950. Fritsch, Johannes (1941-2010) was a German composer who wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra in 1985 that was premiered by Alban Gerhardt in 1990. Frolyak, Bohdana (b.1968) is a Ukrainian composer who a cello concerto in 2021 that was premiered in 2022 by Oksana Lytvynenko and can be heard on YouTube. She also wrote two works for cello and string orchestra: Intermezzo No.2 (1999) and Clarification (2006). Frumerie,Gunnar de (1908-1987) was a late-romantic Swedish composer who arranged his second cello sonata from 1949 as a concerto in 1984. A three movement work lasting about 25 minutes, it has been recorded for Caprice by Mats Lidström. Fuentes, Arturo (b.1975) is a Mexican-born Austrian composer who wrote a cello concerto called Von Dunkel zu Dunkel in 2018. A short excerpt from the premiere played by Maximilian Hornung may be heard on YouTube. Fuerstner, Carl (1912-1994) was a German-born American pianist, conductor and composer who wrote a Concerto rhapsodico for cello and orchestra in 1947. Fuetsch, Joachim Joseph (1766-1852) was an Austrian cellist and composer who wrote several cello concertos. Fuga, Sandro (1906-1994) was an Italian composer and pianist who wrote a cello concerto in 1955. Fujikura, Dai (b.1997) is a Japanese composer who wrote a concerto for cello and ensemble in 2016 that can be heard on YouTube played by Katinka Kleijn. He completed a version for cello and orchestra in the following year. Fuleihan, Anis (1919-1970) was a Cypriot-born American composer who wrote a cello concerto in 1963. He also wrote a Rhapsody for cello and strings in 1946, and a work for two cellos and orchestra. Fulkerson, James (b.1945) is an American composer based in the Netherlands who wrote a concerto for amplified cello and fifteen instrumentalists in 1978. Funk, Eric (b.1949) is an American composer who wrote a concerto for cello, strings and timpani subtitled Hommage à Jacqueline du Pré in 1992. This has been recorded by Olga Ogranovitch for MMC.
Recorded i.e. all of the composer’s cello concertos have been recorded Partly recorded i.e. some of the composer’s cello concertos have been recorded Unrecorded i.e. none of the composer’s cello concertos have been recorded