Ian Venables on Richard Arnell
In 1982, at the suggestion of my composition teacher Richard Arnell, I enrolled on a short course at the International Film School in London.
Well, the first one up as I recall, was a documentary underscored by some well-written and appropriate mood music. I naturally concluded that this was his film score, but his name was not on the credits. So, I held my tongue! Next up was a film called ‘Chickens Never Walk Backwards’ directed by George Pavlou. What a ridiculous title I thought as the music plunged us into a pop rock sound-world. It was at this point, I thought to myself: ‘Surely, it can’t be?’ The film itself was a rather sinister black comedy, but nevertheless very amusing. Then the credits came up and there was Tony’s name emblazoned upon the big screen! I was simply dumbstruck with admiration. Tony was then 65 years of age, and I just couldn’t quite believe how he was able to write such music, and may I say from what I knew of rock music, it was very memorable indeed. When I asked him why he written such a score, he simply replied that that was what the film required and any composer worth their salt should be able to turn their hand to whatever kind of musical composition is required. It was one of the best composition lessons I ever had!
"Chickens Never Walk Backwards", 1982, released by 20th Century Fox, theatrically as a support to "Conan the Barbarian". (Director George Pavlou)
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