Editor: Marc Bridle


Regional Editor: Bill Kenny


Webmaster: Len Mullenger






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Collectors Corner


Collector's Corner is a new feature of Seen and Heard. It aims to become the Internet's central resource for the trade and discussion of live concert and opera performances not otherwise commercially available on disc. It is for collectors who wish to wish to swap (no selling is permitted) with other collectors rare, historic and contemporary performances.


It functions in the same way as any standard bulletin board. Readers simply post lists of recordings they wish to swap and wait. The board will usually remain unmoderated.


To access the bulletin board click HERE The Board will open in a new window and if this is your first visit you will need to register as a member.


Marc Bridle, editor, Seen & Heard





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Contributors: Marc Bridle (Editor), Martin Anderson, Frank Cadenhead, Colin Clarke, Paul Conway, Sarah Dunlop, Melanie Eskenazi, Abigail Frymann, Simon Hewitt-Jones, Bruce Hodges,Tim Hodgkinson, Martin Hoyle, Bernard Jacobson, Ben Killeen, Bill Kenny (Regional Editor), Ian Lace, Jean Martin, Neil McGowan, Robin Mitchell-Boyask, Aline Nassif, Ian Pace, Peter Quantrill, Alex Russell, Harvey Steiman, Christopher Thomas, John Warnaby, Hans-Theodor Wolhfahrt, Peter Grahame Woolf (Founder & Emeritus Editor)