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Deus in adjutorium : A new work by Robert Hugill at St Michael's Church, London on Thursday 10th July. (BK)

MusicWeb reviewer and composer
Robert Hugill's motet Deus in adjutorium will be performed by London Concord Singers, conductor Malcolm Cottle, with solo tenor Margaret Jackson-Roberts, at St. Michael's Church, Chester Square, London on  Thursday 10th July 2008 at 7.30pm as part of a concert which includes  works by Eric Whitacre, Alberto Ginastera, Charles Ives, Brahms, Parry,  Sheppard, Parsons and Byrd. The performance will be repeated on Sunday  3rd August 2008 at St. Thomas's Church, Verona, Italy, where the choir  will be singing at High Mass.

Deus in adjutorium is from Robert Hugill's ongoing sequence of motets,  Tempus per Annum, where Robert is writing a motet for each Sunday and major feast of the church's year with texts taken from the Introit for  that day. The Advent motets from Tempus per Annum are included on the  disc of Robert's music recently issued on the Divine Art record label and a new CD of his choral and vocal music is available too. Further details from

Robert  can be contacted for more information on His web site is

Bill Kenny

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