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Seen and Heard Concert Review
Barber, Kuula, Melartin, Merikanto,
Madetoja, Wolf, Granados, Turina: Karita Mattila
(soprano); Martin Katz (piano). Barbican Hall, London
12.06.006 (CC)
What a marvellous singer Karita Mattila is! Although I
have tracked her career on record, my concert hall/opera
house experience has been rather thin so it was a treat
to experience Mattila's humanity and joie-de-vivre first-hand.
Her biography describes her as, 'one of today's most exciting
lyric dramatic sopranos'. She also appears to be one of
the great musical communicators.
Samuel Barber's famous Hermit Songs, Op. 29 is
a cycle based on 8th-12th century texts translated into
modern English by the likes of Auden and Sean O'Faolain.
Singing in English to an English audience was a brave
way to begin for this Finnish soprano, but it paid off
simply because her diction was little short of exemplary.
The mezzo tinge to Mattila's voice meant that the songs
really gained in depth of utterance, an impression aided
by Martin Katz' exemplary, warm-toned accompaniments (only
one minor criticism – perhaps he underplayed the
running treble counterpoint in the third song, 'St Ita's
Vision'). Most memorable was Mattila's seamless, hypnotic
vibrato for 'The Crucifixion', although close runners-up
were the well-delineated contrasts of 'The Monk and his
Cat' and the eminently believable plea for solitude towards
the end of the final song, 'The Desire for Hermitage'.
It is clear that Mattila is passionate about the music
of her home region. The four composers here were allotted
two songs each. Toivo Kuula (1883-1918), from Ostrobothnia,
provided the simple, child-like 'Morning Song' (beautiful
minor-mode colouring of the central stanza) and the contrasting,
'Autumn Mood', with its dark piano sonorities (like late
Liszt) and impassioned climax.
The two songs by Erkki Melartin (1875-1937) were entitled,
'Miriamm's Song I & II' and made the perfect pair,
the first sweetly Schubertian (without, perhaps, that
composer's effortless compositional ease), the second
darker, as if the first song's flip side. The Merikanto
songs were similarly contrasting: the nostalgia-tinged,
'Play softly' sat next to the Richard Straussian extravagance
of 'When the Sun shines' (Mattila was in full flow here.
The song invited applause, and got it, leading to little
speech by the singer).Mattila referred to Madetoja as
'Finland's hidden jewel' and it seemed difficult to argue.
The Debussian influences were very evident (rippling piano,
Spanish guitar ...). This was a mightily impressive way
to end the first half.
Hugo Wolf's huge emotional palette might seem to be expressly
designed for Mattila, and her selection of six Lieder
from the Spanisches Liederbuch (1889-90) that opened
the second half was perfectly judged. The change of costume
from white to blue seemed to emphasise the shift of intensity.
Mattila's sense of vocal colour is wonderful, adding a
mezzo 'wash' top the sound when appropriate ('Alle gingen,
Herz, zur Ruh'), acting out the confrontation in 'Saft,
seid Ihr es, feiner Herr' and almost using Sprachgesang
for 'Geh, Geliebter, geh jetzt' (a Lied that became a
mini-drama here).
An intense La maja y el ruiseñor led to
a final Poema en forma de canciones (Turina).The
Turina begins with an evocative movement for piano only
(Mattila sensibly stood at the very end of the piano for
this) before leading us through the four highly contrasting
songs that make up this work. A hugely abandoned 'Ay!',
bookending the second song, found Mattila in full cry.
Superb. Two encores only - a Dvorák Gypsy Song
and a Finnish 'Merry Song'. If the idea was to leave 'em
wanting more, then she succeeded. Perhaps it is Mattila
that is Finland's jewel, not Madetoja. At least she is
not hidden (although this reviewer for one would like
to see more of her on these shores).
Colin Clarke
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