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Le Musicien-Poète
(The Poet-Musician)
François Ménissier at the Silbermann organ, Église de Saint-Thomas
(Strasaabourg, France).
François Ménissier, in highlighting the sonorities of one of the
most beautiful Alsatian instruments, proves that he has great sensitivity
and a dazzling mastery of the organ. In following this soon-to-be 100
year old tradition, the celebration of the 28th of July, the day of Bach's death, he shows us the vitality and constant renewal
of the young French organist's approach to Bach.
ref : HORTUS 020
Les Witches FORTUNE
Works by Brade, Simpson, Dowland, Morley, Plaford as well as anonymous composers...
The Witches: Claire Michon, baroque flute Pascale Boquet, lute
Freddy Eichelberger, virginal Odile Edouard, violin.
"Masques, ayres, ballad tunes and dances mingle with each other in an unbridled
rhythm" (Diapason). "Dances for nymphs, satyrs, witches and the Furies are each given their turn
in this recording" (Répertoire).
Parodies, exact quotations, laughter, fright, improvisations, emotions and diversions
make up the magic ingredients of this recording of music from the time
of Shakespeare.
ref : HORTUS 010
BACH à Weimar
(Bach at Weimar)
Vincent Genvrin at the Grenzing organ of the Conservatoire National Supérieur
de Musique in Lyons (France).
"A remarkable recording, unique in its genre ... Genvrin overflows with youthfulness
and brio" (Diapason).
These Leipzig chorales all have the distinctive feature of being presented in
their original version, as composed by J. S. Bach when he was a young
organist at Weimar. They reveal a composer full of youthful ardour.
ref : HORTUS 006
(Return from Bayreuth)
Eleven improvisations on themes by Wagner. Loïc Mallié at the main Cavaillé-Coll organ of the Église
de la Sainte-Madeleine (Paris, France).
A veritable goldmine, the Wagnerian leitmotifs inspire Loïc Mallié's
free improvisations: a surprising meeting between the worlds of theatre
and organ.
ref : HORTUS 017

Le Dernier Évangile Trois Danses Improvisées Poème Symphonique
Olivier Latry (organ), Ensemble orchestral de Paris, Maîtrise Notre-Dame
de Paris, Chur Britten, direction John Nelson
In addition to the programme : four improvisations on the great organ of Notre-Dame
by T. Escaich.
"The prosody is stunningly clear... the listener is caught by the spiritual strength
of this poetical anthem, swirled away in a maelstrom of music."
(Sylvain Gasser, Répertoire, Dec. 2002)
"In the beginning was the Word... From the very outset, Thierry Escaich sets
his distinctive mark: subtle, vigorous rhythm, subdivided into multiple
phrases sharing a common spirit. It all leads to a fascinating spatialization
of the choral masses, spread between orchestra (co Olivier Latry, galvanized,
perfectly at ease with this music) - a superb recording."
(Michel Roubinet, Diapason, Dec. 2002)
ref : HORTUS 024
AMY | DARASSE | MESSIAEN Trois Inventions pour orgue Organum VIII Messe de la
Recorded in Toulouse, St-Étienne Cathedral / Chapel of the Institut Catholique
/ Notre-Dame de la Dalbade
Dedicated to the memory of Xavier Darasse, Trois Inventions was premiered on
Nov. 22, 1995 in Toulouse, Saint-Étienne Cathedral, as part of
the concert series Les Arts Renaissants, for which it had been commissionned.
A revised version (2001) was premiered at the Lyon Festival of Sacred
Art by François Espinasse.
"A programme in which François Espinasse is perfectly at home and gives
his imagination free rein, superbly eloquent yet sober." (Diapason)
ref : HORTUS 025
Full Fathom Five Other Shakespeare songs
Chur de chambre Les Eléments, conducted by Joël Suhubiette
Corinne Durous, piano
"A splendid recording - possibly a new phase for Les Éléments.
The reserve of former releases (Fauré / Naïve) is gone.
The musical discourse has gained freedom and assurance. A must ! "
(Benoît Fauchet, Diapason, Apr. 2003)
"In his patient, unobtrusive way, Joel Suhubiette has contributed greatly to
the ongoing major transformation of choral singing in this country (...).
The release of Full Fathom Five, their CD dedicated to polyphonic settings
of Shakespearean poetry, attracted much attention. A beautiful rendition
of an unusual repertoire by one of the rare non-English ensembles to
dare tread on such territory."
(Renaud Machart, Le Monde, Jul. 2003)
ref : HORTUS 028

Les Sourires de Bouddha
Chur de chambre Les Éléments, conducted by Joël Suhubiette
wels, sounds, invocations of Buddha under the names of Amitabha, Avalokita....
Using the voice as an instrument, the music unfolds and expands the
underlying theme of void and emptiness.
That Tiêt
"Joël Suhubiette and Les Éléments spare no effort to promote
modern music, creating contemporary pieces (giving a fascinating premiere
of Desenclos's Requiem, or Ton-That Tiêt's Sourires de Bouddha)
and programming a lesser-known repertoire (Vaughan-Williams's settings
of Shakespeare songs, for example) (all Hortus releases). What is their secret?
What could be more fascinating than suffusing a totally new piece
(Olivier Legay, La Tribune, Jun.
ref : HORTUS 027 Total duration : 22"19'
Renaissance organs songs
Juliette Grellety-Bosviel, organ (Francheville, F)
Renaissance organ songs reflect the beautifully refined artistic atmosphere of
the time. 17th century organ music is deeply rooted in this repertoire,
which also inspired some of the greatest masses of the Baroque era.
A fundamental Renaissance legacy, never recorded before and brought
to light by HortusVoluptatis.
ref : HORTUS 029
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
Gregorian choir, conducted by Sylvain Dieudonné Cathedral of Notre-Dame
de Paris
Enterely devoted to the Virgin Mary, this programme reflects a tradition of sacred
music which is very much kept alive at Notre-Dame de Paris. Various
forms of Gregorian chant (response Vidi speciosam, tropes, Introït Gaudeamus or proses Alleluia, Hodie), polyphonies (sequence Verbum Bonum and versus Praeconia virginis) and a monodie (liturgical drama In Annontiatione) contribute to the glorification and praise of the Mother of God and her Assumption.
This programme bears testimony to the musical and religious world from
which was to emerge, in this very cathedral, the very first school of
Western polyphony.
ref : HORTUS 030 Total duration : 22"19'

Forte ma dolce
Complete organ works
François Ménissier, organ (Zaltbommel, NL & Schramberg, D)
Brahms's deep attachment to Clara Schumann may be the link that runs in filigree
through his organ music. The Preludes and Fugues, composed in his
early twenties, are the result of their common research on Bach's
contrapuntal style. Forty years later, no doubt much affected by Clara's
death, he turned again to the organ and wrote the Eleven Chorale preludes.
This was to be Brahms's opus ultimum: he died a few months later.
In spite of the long time span, Brahms's organ compositions show a rare coherence
- combining Romantic outbursts and Lutheran tradition - yet do not
reveal their secrets.
Particulat attention was paid to the texts of the chorale. An interpretation
of outstanding quality, on two very different instruments: an 18th
century otgan (Zaltbommel) and a Romantic organ (Schramberg).
ref : HORTUS 031 Total duration : 62"08'
Leve, leve muito leve
Fernando Pessoa's musical dreams
Jean-Marie Machado, pianist: Riccardo Del Fra double bass: Andy Sheppard, sax:
Solistes de Lyon - Bernard Tétu, choir: EIA wind octet, conducted
by Eriv Villevière
"A melancholy piece, superbly orchestrated for woind octet, choir (cond.
Bernard Tétu), jazz musicians and singers. With its very "French"
yet original treatment of vocal parts, it light touch of madness,
and its beautiful melodic lines, this music is sure to appeal to the
(Vincent Lancrin, Classic, Dec. 2003)
ref : HORTUS 100
Loic MALLIE (b. 1947)
Dialogue des Flutes [7'40]
Autour des Principaux [6'04]
Quand les Pleins-Jeux s'emmelent [4'53]
Les Anches <<solo>> [3'12]
Dialogue de Cornets, Clarinette et Hautbois [6'56]
Avanti: crescendo du pp au fff [7'35]
Le doux delire des melanges creux [4'20]
Un Cor Anglais bien <<francais>> et une Voix bien Humaine
Delires alleluiatique [4'55]
Loic Mallie, organs
Rec: St-Pothin de Lyon, 6th November 2004 DDD
MALLIÉ (b. 1947)
Jeux - Improvisations on themes of Debussy
Autour de Debussy [16'50]
Prelude, Fugue et final [4'53], [4'36], [4'35]
Anthologie, la Grotte, Contraste [5'33] [4'22]
Clins d'Oeil [1'44], [2'55], [3'26], [5'13]
Jeux [6'25]
Final [6'27]
Loïc Maille, organ
Rec. Saint Vaast de Bailleul, September 2003. DDD
Guillaume de MACHAUT (c1300-1377)
Ma fin est mon commencement...- Rondeau 14 [1'40]
Moulte sui de bonne heure nee -Virelai 37 [2'25]
Dame, mon cuer m'emportes -Virelai 32 [1'38]
Sanz couer m'en vois -Ballade 17 [1'45]
Ha! Fortune -Motet 8 [1'34]
Guillaume DUFAY (c1400-1474)
Se la face ay pale [1'52]
Ce jour l'an voudray joye mener [1'43]
Bon jour, bon mois, bon an et bonne estraine [1'39]
Par droit je puis bien complaindre et gemir [2'00]
Craindre vous vueil, doulce dame de pris [1'24]
Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys [3'05]
J'attendray tant qu'il vous playra [1'32]
Adieu m'amour, adieu ma joye [4'07]
Malheureulx couer, que vieulx tu faire? [3'49]
Alma redemptoris Mater [2'58]
Vergena bella, che di sol vestita [3'26]
Josquin DES PRES (c1450-1521)
De profundis clavami [6'30]
Gloria (Missa Pange Lingua) [4'18]
Sanctus (Missa Hercules dux Ferrarie) [5'22]
Louis Thiry, organ
Rec. Chapelle de l'hopital Charles-Nicolle de Rouen, May-June 2004 DDD
Russica Volume 1
Né otverji méné
Sei den ego je sotvori Gospod
bog velii
Dnes vsiaka tvar
naretchennyi I sviatyi den
Nyne otpouchtchaiechi
Pokaiania otverzi mi dveri
Orthodox Choir of Riga, Johann Shenrock
Russica 2
Dimitri Moîsseîevich IAΪTCHKOV (1882-1953)
Dostoïno iest (Hymn to the Mother of God) [3:52]
Pavel Gripôrievitch TCHESNOKOV (1877-1944)
Soviet prevetchnyi (Gabriel’s annunciation) [3:40]
Serge RACHMANINOV (1875-1943)
Nyné otpuchtchaîechi (Song of Simeon) [3:37]
Bogoroditse Devo (Ave Maria) [2:44]
Slava v vychnikh Bogou (Gloria in excelsis) [2:32]
Tébé poïem [2:31]
Nikolaï APOSTOLOV-STROUMSKI (late 19th early 20th
Velikoïe slavoslovié (Grand doxology) [10:40]
Vladimir Ivanovich MARTINOV (b. 1946)
Apocalypse, Missa Russica [30:32]
Choeur orthodox Russe de Riga/Archiprêtre Johann Shenrock
Recording venue and specific dates not given. Copyright 2004
sur Ave maris stella
Le Guen (organ)
Éléments Chamber Choir, Joël Suhubiette
premiere recordings
Jean-Baptiste ROBIN (b. 1976)
Trois Elements d'un songe (2004): (Frontispice [2'35]; Souffle [2'49];
Crépusculaire [5'34])
Benoit MERNIER (b. 1964)
Cinq Inventions pour orgue: Invention I (1998) [3'18]; Invention (1999)
Laurent CARLE (b. 1970)
Aphorismes (1999), (extracts): (Pièce III [1'34]; Pièce
IV "Emince sonore" [1'55]; Pièce V [1'27])
Christophe MARCHAND (b. 1972)
Toccata et Canzone à Quatre (2004) [5'44]
Pierre FARAGO (b. 1969)
Nachtlich geschűrtz (2004) [10'37]
Eric LEBRUN (b. 1967)
XV Mystères du Rosaire: x) Eli Eli lamma sabachtani (2001) [5'54]
Valery AUBERTIN (b. 1970)
Vincent Van Gogh - Les Fresques - Lamento (1991) [7'34]
Jacques PICHARD (b. 1961)
Livre d'orgue pour le temps de la Passion (1991-1995);
La trahison de Judas [8'37]
Thierry ESCAICH (b. 1965)
Trois Esquisses (1991): (Tournoiement [2'25]; Rituel [6'08]; Variation
sur un souvenir [4'27])
the composers
(organ) (Toccata et Canzone a Quatre played with Pascale Rouet)
rec. organ hall, Paris Conservatoire, 27 January 2005. DDD
DUPRÉ (1886-1971) Évocation
César FRANCK (1822-1890) Cantabile [7:01]
Louis VIERNE (1870-1937) Impromptu [3:11]; Gargouilles et chimères
César FRANCK Prière [15:34]
Marcel DUPRÉ Scherzo en fa mineur [6:20]
Rolande Falcinelli (organ)
rec. live, Cathédrale de Belley, France, 1979, 1987. ADD
LANGLAIS (1907-1991)
Corpus Christi (op. 208, 1979)
Messe d’Escalquens (op. 19, 1935)
Sacris solemniis [6:14] (preludé improvisé à
l’orgue sur le cantus firmus de l’hymne; versets 1 et 2: chant grégorien;
versets 3 et 4: polyphonie extraite de Corpus Christi; prolongement à
l’orgue: Sacris solemniis du Livre oecuménique (op. 157, 1968))
Chant d’entrée: Introit Cibavit de Corpus Christi [3:23]
Préparation pénitentielle: Kyrie de la Messe d’Escalquens
Hymne de louange: Gloria in excelsis Deo de la Messe d’Escalquens
Psaume: Graduel Oculi de Corpus Christi [2:21]
Acclamation avant l’Évangile: Alleluia Caro mea [6:12] (à
l’orgue: Verset no 11 extrait de Douze Versets (op. 235, 1986); polyphonie:
Caro mea de Corpus Christi; à l’orgue: Verset no 12 extrait de Douze
Versets (op. 235))
Séquence: Lauda Sion salvatorem [8:05] alternance entre chant
grégorien (versets impairs) et improvisation brèves à
l’orgue (versets pairs)
Rite de l’Offertoire [10:52] (antienne: Sacerdotes Comini de Corpus
Christi; à l’orgue: improvisation symphonique dur les thèmes
grégoriens de deux hymnes de la Fête-Dieu, Pange Lingua et
Verbum supernum).
Prière eucharistique: [8:58] (acclamation: Sanctus et Benedictus
de la Messed’Escalquens; adoration après la Consécration:
O Salutaris (à 2 voix égales et orgue, op. 8, 1932)
La Prière du Seigneur: Pater noster grégorien, a cappella
Rite de la fraction du pain: Agnus Dei de la Messe d’Escalquens [1:45]
Rite de la Communion [8:17] (répons Homo quidam grégorien,
a cappella; pièce d’orgue "pendant la communion" Homo quidam
des Vingt-quatre Pièces (op. 10, 1942); antienne de communion: Communion
Quotiescumque de Corpus Christi
Envoi: Fantaisie extraite de l’Hommage à Frescobaldi (op.
70, 1951) à l’orgue [2:41]
Emmanuel Le Divellec (organ)
female vocal ensemble Ad Limina
rec: French Church, Berne, Switzerland, 1-4 April 2005. DDD
HORTUS 040 [64:30]
GUY ROPARTZ (1864-1955)
Messe de Sainte-Anne: (Entrée -Pièce
d'Orgue [1'01]; Kyrie [3'24]; Gloria [4'01]; Offertoire - Invocation
a César Franck [4'4]; Sanctus, Benedictus [3'16]; Elévation
- Pièce d'orgue [2'50]; Sortie - Pièce d'Orgue [2'01])
Salut au Saint-Sacrement pour la fête de Saint-Louis de
Gonzague: (Hic vir despiciens mundum, 2 voix égales [1'39];
Prelude - Pièce d'orgue [0'50]; Ave verum, soprano solo [2'34];
Coelesti convivio 2 voix égales [2'22]; Memorare, soprano solo
[3'30]; Méditation - Pièce d'orgue [1'22]; Tantum ergo,
chant grégorien [1'32]; Prière de saint Ignace 3 voix
égales [2'52]; Sortie-Pièce d'orgue [2'05])
Prière en mi majeur, orgue [4'35]
Symbole des Apotres, extraite de Trois Prières
pour chant et orgue, mezzo solo [2'52]
Prière pour les Trespasses, orgue [8'11]
Tantum ergo - chante par les pelerins de Saint-Anne-d'Auray,
dimanche 7 aout 2005 [1'36]
Marina Venant, soprano, Caroline Gesret, mezzo
Choeur Britten/Nicole Corti
Vincent Genvrin, orgue de choeur (all accompaniment), Jean Bizot, grand
rec. St-Anne-d'Auray, France, August, September 2005. DDD
HORTUS 042 [60'44]
Magnificat, 'Motet a grand choeur par M' [24'07]
Claude BALBASTRE (1727-1799)
Joseph revenant un jour [5'45]
Ou s'en vont ces gais berger? [5'39]
Jean-Francois DANDRIEU (1682-1738)
Or nous dites Marie [5'22]
Louis-Claude DAQUIN (1694-1772)
Noël sur les Flutes [7'04]
Michel CORRETTE (1709-1795)
Tous les bourgeois de Chastres [3'26]
Tambourins [1'36]
Daniel Meylan (organ)
Agnieszka Kowalczyk, soprano, Jean-Francois Lombard, haute-contre, Bertrand
Bochud, tenor, Olivier Bettens, basse, La Camerata Baroque, Arabesque/Daniel
rec. Temple du Pampigny (Switzerland) 3-4 June 2005, St Jean-de-Losne
(France), 28-29 August 2005. DDD
HORTUS 043 [52'59]
Nöel au Salon
Lueders (harmonium), Françoise Masset (soprano) & François
Lambret (piano)
Hortus 044
Bach Buch
Dietrich BUXTEHUDE (1637-1704) Ciacona
in c BuxWV 159 [6'05]
J.S. BACH (1685-1750) Fantasia in c BWV 1121 (Adagio) [3'24]
Johann C.F. FISCHER (c1670-1746) Praeludium and Ciacona [5'23]
J.S. BACH Fantasia and Imitatio in h BWV 563 [3'55]
Christian RITTER (c1645-c1725) Suite in F-sharp mineur [13'36]
Carlo Franceso POLLAROLO (c1653-1723) Capriccio (Allegro) [4'35]
Marin MARAIS (1656-1728) Suite d'Alcide (extracts) [7'42]
Johann Adam REINCKEN (1643-1722) Ballet (10 variations) [8'00]
J.S. BACH Toccata in c BWV 911
Benjamin Alard (organ and harpsichord)
rec: Saint-Etienne, Baigorry, France, 27-31 October 2005. DDD
HORTUS 045 [65'50]
Tiêt (b. 1933)
Les jardins d’autre monde (1987) [30:38]
Et la rivière chante l’éternité (2000) [16:38]
Poèmes (2004)a [13:29]
Ensemble Les Temps Modernes, Ensemble Thai-Haa
rec. Salle Varèse, CNSMD, Lyon, September 2006
HORTUS 046 [60:45]
a lusage des Dames Religieuses. Le Concert Des Dames / Frederic Bourdin.
Hélène de
Montgeroult - La Marquise et la Marseillaise
Roi des Cieux Tout Célébre la Gloire
A selection of French organ and organ-accompanied choral works from the
19th century
Lenoir & Pierre Roques (organists)
Ensemble LAccent Grave
S Bach
Transcriptions for Harpsichord
Sonata BWV965
Praeludium BWV966
Concerto BWV978
Sonata BWV964
Benjamin Alard
HORTUS 050 [52:44]
Canat de Chizy: Livre dheures
Canat de Chizy:
Livre dHeures (1984)
Messe breve de lAscension (1996)
Vega (2000)
Loic Mallie
Mallie (organ)
Britten & Les Temps Modernes, Nicole Corti
Messes du XXe siècle
Louis VIERNE (1870-1937)
Messe solennelle, pour deux orgues et choeur op 16 (1900) [22:39]
Jean-Pierre LEGUAY (b.1939)
Missa Deo Gratias, pour soprano solo, choeur mixte, deux orgues,
deux trompettes, deux trombones et percussions (en exécutant)
(2000) [30:26]
Philippe Lefèbvre (Vierne); Jean-Pierre Leguay (Leguay) (grand
Yves Castagnet (orgue de choeur)
Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris/Nicole Corti
rec. Notre-Dame de Paris, 2006, 2007
HORTUS 055 [53:07]
Yves CASTAGNET (b.1964)
Messe: Salve Regina pour chœur, soli et deux orgues [34:30]
Francis POULENC ( 1899-1963)
Litanies à la Vierge Noire [8:33]
Olivier LATRY (b.1962)
Salve Regina pour orgue et voix [22:48]
Choeurs de la Maîtrise de Notre-Dame de Paris/Lionel Sow; Sylvain
Dieudonné (Gregorian chant)
Yves Castagnet (orgue de chœur); Olivier Latry (grand orgue)
rec. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, 8-12, 28-31 October 2007
HORTUS 056 [65:51]
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