March 2001 Film Music CD Reviews |
Film Music Editor: Ian Lace |
index page/ monthly listings /March01/
Marty SIMON Lexx
Original soundtrack from the Sci-Fi TV series
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An assortment of cues from the sci-fi/fantasy television series Lexx featuring a range of pop-based, at times slightly ambient compositions by musician/songwriter Marty Simon (whose credits also include hit songs for the likes of Celine Dion and Wilson Pickett).
Taken from various episodes whose titles will no doubt mean far more to connoisseurs of the series than to music fans, 'Opening Theme-Season 3' utilises some folksy voices and plenty of rhythmic synth work, but as TV themes so often are these days, it's all too brief. This piece does sets the trend though for what follows, with 'Prince to Lexx' and 'Wild, Wild Lexx' typical of the more up-tempo tracks. Balanced against these are more thoughtful selections such as 'A Walk in the Desert', which opens strongly with a mellow, seductive melody, although it tails off as it becomes more forbidding and sadly also more generic and best of all 'The Search', with some nice flourishes augmenting a simple but compelling motif. Of course not everything here is as noteworthy. The pseudo pop of 'All he Wants is Sex', with female voice and saxophone is pretty tiresome while the likes of 'Holograms' 'and 'Girl Awakes/Norb Launch' are no more than simply conventional background music. Elsewhere we are 'treated' to several dialogue extracts on 'Lexx Hungry' and 'Yo-A-O/I'm Leaving' among others, which will presumably appeal to avid fans of the series.
Quite a mixed bag really with an equal share of agreeable, melodic cues as well as many that are entirely predictable fare. Still, slightly above average for this kind of thing and if you're a big fan of the series then I'm sure this will make a worthwhile purchase.
Mark Hockley
Ian Lace is slightly more enthusiastic:-
A strange but often compelling mix of rock, instrumental, orchestral, synth, and oddly inspirational choral music. 'Angel Song', for instance, is a memorable cross-over piece of Latin and multi-part a cappella voice writing in best classical tradition. 'The Search' and Xey's Dream (the latter with novel synth effects and a dreamy soprano vocal) are nicely meditative. 'Garden' too has a special sort of child-like innocent appeal but it is not without hidden dangers.
Something of a mixed bag but at its best it is a surprisingly attractive and imaginative album belying its rather gaudy packaging.
Ian Lace
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