James Sowerby

William J Hooker

Page 27


This is the very first illustration in volume 1 –The Persian Iris Iris persica. Engraved by James Sowerby
Issue 1 had been designed to portray ornamental and foreign plants.
It was a slim publication and only had three illustrations.
Of the Iris James Sowerby said  In 'its beauty, early appearance, and fragrant blossoms' it is described as being 'highly esteemed by all lovers of flowers'.

The first edition sold for a shilling and 3000 copies were printed. Each copy of the engraving had to be coloured by hand with watercolours employing up to 30 people. It was tedious work and they were poorly paid so standards did vary but looking through the Charlecote copies the colours remain very bright and true.
In 1826 William Jackson Hooker became editor. He was a skilled engraver of exotic plants and the Justicia carnea shown was one of his.
