A 14th Century religious Book of Hours

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This small codex (octavo size) medieval manuscript (probably 1380-90), is a hand illuminated Book of Hours. It is in French on vellum and is one of the rare treasures at Charlecote Park. Books of Hours are designed for devotional study and contain prayers, Psalms and other texts for use in personal religious contemplation. As you can see it is in Latin with a Gothic script. The day was split into 8 parts which is when Monks would stop their other work and enter a period of prayers and meditation. The book contains suitable texts and prayers for this so they became known as a Book of Hours. This copy would have been hand drawn by monks. and was owned by Thomas Lucy III. It is tiny and can be held in the palm of your hand. When I last checked on-line there were copies for sale at £292,124, £150,235, and £121,023.