So far all the books we have seen have been serious in intent, and
that is a fair reflection of the library. Now for something completely
different Tristram Shandy is a comic novel. Sterne was a country parson
but discovered he had the ability to write comic satire. Tristram Shandy
is in nine volumes and stretched from 1759 to 1767. In the Charlecote
edition they have been compressed into four volumes published in 1808.
They were enthusiastically received although there were complaints about
bawdiness and indecency in the frank treatment of sexual themes. The
reason he needed nine volumes was that he was extremely discursive,
wandering down many adventitious shoots rather than concentrating on
the main stem. Indeed it takes until volume three for him even to be
born. Shandy means half-crazy Tristram himself says he is writing a
"civil, nonsensical, good-humoured Shandean book". |