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This punishment is deemed very disgraceful. The collar is formed of
heavy pieces of wood, closed together, and having a hole in the centre,
which fits the neck of the offender, who, when this machine is upon
him, can neither see his own feet, nor put his hands to his mouth. He
is not permitted to reside in any habitation, nor even to take rest
for any considerable length of time; an inferior officer of justice
constantly attending, to prevent him. By night and by day, he carries
this load, which is heavier or lighter, according to the nature of the
crime, and the strength of the wearer. The weight of the common sort
of these wooden collars, is only fifty or sixty pounds, but there are
those which weigh two hundred, and which are so grievous to the bearer
that sometimes, through shame, pain, want of proper nourishment, or
of natural rest, they have been known to expire under them. The criminals
find various methods, however, of mitigating this punishment: by walking
in company with their relations and friends, who support the corners
of the collar, and prevent it from pressing upon the shoulders; by resting
it upon a table, a bench or against a tree; or, according to the representation
in the accompanying plate , by having a chair constructed for the purpose,
with four posts of equal height to support the machine. When this ponderous
encumbrance is fixed upon an offender, it is always before the magistrate
who has decreed it; and upon each side, over the place where the wood
is joined, long slips of paper are pasted, upon which the name of the
person, the crime he has committed, and the duration of his punishment,
are written, in very distinct characters; a seal is likewise stamped
upon the paper, to prevent the instrument from being opened. Three months
is the usual time appointed for those to bear this collar, who have
been convicted of robbery. For defamation, gambling, or breaches of
the peace, it is carried a few weeks; and insolvent debtors are sometimes
ordered to bear it, until they have satisfied their creditors.