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Linacre’s Latin Grammar is possibly one of the oldest books in the library and Julie Griffith (former House Manager) found it purely by accident when searching for another book. Linacre’s Grammar was the standard text used in Sixteenth Century Grammar schools where the only two subjects taught were Latin and Maths. It is possible this book was used by Thomas Lucy II or even Thomas Lucy Ist. A colleague of mine says his maths teacher still remembered geometrical proofs as numbered in the propositions of Euclid. It would seem there are several books in the library where the title has been inked in on the cut fore-edge of the pages. We have two examples showing in the room folder in the library but both are of books that would have been stored vertically on shelves. Originally we understand books were stored flat and this would seem to be an example.
You can see that they annotated their books. At one time this was considered to be a bad thing and lowered the value of the book but now it is regarded as a valuable part of the history of the book.

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