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The Froissart Chronicles
These were much used as source material by Dr Janina Ramirez in her four part series on the Hundred Years War.
The chronicles start in 1326 and go up to about 1400. The chronicle covers the start of the 100 years war (1337 -1453). They exist in about 150 Manuscripts which are scattered across Europe and America. They contain some beautiful Illustrations. Froissart kept revising them to the end of his life. In 1361 he came to England and served as secretary and clerk of her chapel to Queen Philippa , the wife of Edward III. But he was always travelling. He went to France with the Black Prince, and to Italy with the Duke of Clarence. He was interested in the ideal of Chivalry.

Much of the early part of his chronicle he took from an existing source written by Jean Le bel, a Flemish Chronicler but his later work was what he had witnessed himself or information gathered from those who were there.

There is an actual date 28th January 1523. It is at the very end of the text as it would be on a manuscript and is a hangover from handwritten texts